National Post



Rachel Notley isn’t going to let the fact that she has yet to get any pipelines built stop her from giving lessons on how to get pipelines built. In a speech to Ottawa’s Economic Club last week, she lectured oil-industry champions and “conservati­ves” that “denying ( manmade) climate change … won’t get pipelines built.” The Alberta premier’s last lesson on getting pipelines built told Albertans they needed carbon taxes to win “social licence” from opponents. That hasn’t worked either, which is why Notley had to travel to B.C. this week with the federal natural resources minister to plead with opponents there to please stop opposing the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Anyway, try and find a prominent conservati­ve in Ottawa or Alberta who hasn’t agreed to go along with the manmadecli­mate-change orthodoxy. Conservati­ves and oil executives have tried the hell out of the not-denying-manmade-climatecha­nge approach, and the pipeline enemies still win every time.

The compelled political agreement on the dangers of fossil fuels is surely what is actually to blame for smothering any and all economical­ly important energy mega- projects, from pipelines to LNG plants. But as those profitable opportunit­ies are killed, stunting the tax base, government­s keep promoting — and paying for — more and more unprofitab­le “green” technologi­es in the name of helping businesses shift to the post-carbon economy, thus doubling the loss. In fact, just days before Notley turned up in Ottawa, Elon Musk held a splashy, VIP-studded press conference in Hawthorne, Calif. to unveil the Tesla’s new battery- powered cargo truck and new battery-powered superfast roadster — the latest, pointless, big-ticket items that Canadian taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

To be clear, what Musk actually unveiled were mocked-up props, pretending to be prototypes and housing none of the actual technology Musk promised would work, eventually. The Tesla founder’s gift for razzle-dazzle managed to get the audience to cheer, and journalist­s to go ga-ga, all for a cargo truck that might drive all of five hours on a single charge, as if it were the moonshot for history’s least ambitious generation. “While you’re unloading your cargo, you can charge ( it)!” “Every truck we sell will have enhanced autopilot — standard!” And, of course: “Order now, get the truck in two years!”

As Post Driving columnist David Booth has noted, Musk’s claims about this yet-to-be-invented truck don’t even add up. “At current prices, the batteries alone could cost as much as US$ 200,000,” he calculated, compared to the US$ 120,000 price for an entire diesel rig. Those batteries, meanwhile, could weigh more than the entire payload, require charging technology that also doesn’t yet exist, and the closest charger we have to it now, at less than a third of the capacity, is “about the size of a small gas station kiosk and costs in the range of half a million bucks.” Another battery expert told Bloomberg that Musk’s roadster plan also relies on non- existent technology. But Tesla’s current business model isn’t about realism as much as using hype to suck up deposits from credulous fans, since bond markets have soured on company losses of US$8,000 a minute and its inability to keep to production schedules.

Still, immediatel­y following Tesla’s imaginary-truck show, Loblaw followed with its own razzle- dazzle, announcing it was ordering 25 of them, and paying the US$ 5,000 deposit each ( although Tesla, as it’s known to do, quickly changed terms and began demanding US$20,000). Loblaw shareholde­rs might worry about the wisdom of committing to an untested e-truck technology with no evidence of savings amid relentless­ly rising electricit­y rates in the company’s primary province of Ontario. But at least Loblaw has proven it knows how to shrewdly game subsidized green schemes for profit. The company was early to get in on Ontario’s renewable energy handouts, putting solar panels on its roof and getting taxpayers to pay for it. And since Ontario is one of many jurisdicti­ons that gives buyers’ allowances for electric vehicles (another pillar of Tesla’s business model) Loblaw’s vow to switch its trucking fleet to all-electric green can only mean more taxpayer subsidies for that, too. The company might be laying off staff and closing stores in its traditiona­l grocery retail division, but it’s learned from Musk that there’s money to be made in the booming new business of government-approved green-posturing.

Then again, maybe Loblaw is just another gullible Tesla buyer. Because, the grocer seems to be one of the very few companies bothering to tie up precious corporate resources worrying about whether or not the earth warms a degree or two over the next century. Despite constant talk in the news and from government­s that Canadian businesses are lining up to join politician­s in the climate- consensus club, all of them rapidly gearing up for post-carbon green mode, it turns out that isn’t actually happening.

Last week, when the Institute of Corporate Directors issued its survey of Canadian boardrooms, the results showed that the nation’s companies are focused almost entirely on more pressing matters, much to the disappoint­ment of the institute itself. It said change was “not on the radar of enough boards” because only seven per cent had developed a strategy for it and only 24- per- cent more had considered it in their strategic planning, “indicating a difficulty for Directors in certain industries to make the connection between climate issues and their future impact on business, including on people movements and taxation.” When asked to voluntaril­y identify “social issues discussed by the board,” only 10 per cent of directors mentioned climate change. Presumably that group not only includes Loblaw, but also Alberta’s climate-captive energy firms, for all the good it’s doing them. Well, if they ever decide they could use some advice from somebody besides the NDP premier on how to succeed in actual, non-imaginary businesses, like building pipelines, they could always ask the other 90 per cent.


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