National Post

The real fake news

- Rex Murphy

The antipathy to Donald Trump, which in its keenest manifestat­ions is fierce and relentless, is a disabling set of mind, nowhere more so than in the reporting on or about him.

Contempt f or Trump — the conviction that he is some sort of dangerous historical “accident” in the presidenti­al office — serves as a warrant for abandoning all disinteres­ted judgment and analytic neutrality. To those who oppose him, particular­ly those in the news media, Trump is regarded as just SO bad that standards can be virtuously abandoned, and neutrality and dispassion set aside, so long as it helps (such is the hope) to hurt Trump, and, maybe, get rid of him.

The new rule is: anything that can weaken Trump’s standing, sever his connection with the populist base, and help to bring him down is fair game. Hence the sloppiness and one- directiona­l nature of most Trump news. In just the last few weeks, Brian Ross at ABC, the Wall Street Journal, and CNN each had to correct or deny major stories that had all been wrong in the same direction. They hurt Trump.

Stories, however, t hat might hint at some aspects of competency or adroitness in Trump’s handling of affairs are either passed over or given the most desultory treatment. How many tins of Pepsi Trump drinks gets more coverage than the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, which has occurred under his watch. Under Obama that would have generated skyscraper headlines; under Trump you can search for it in the back pages and fine print.

When the majority of the American media failed in their coverage of the presidenti­al election, they had to find some excuse for their massive i ncompetenc­e. The New York Times, with all their resources, and after two full years of daily coverage of the campaign, was nonetheles­s projecting Hillary Clinton’s chances of victory at a full 92 per cent on election night itself. That was at least better than the pathologic­ally anti-Trump HuffPost, which had Hillary’s chances set at a modest 98 per cent! Such was the state of American journalism, these companies barely allowed for the mere possibilit­y that Trump could win. Under their profession­al eye, he was just a sideshow, even in the very hours before he actually won.

These two — the Times and HuffPost — can stand for a large set of the American press, both traditiona­l and online. Their reading of the American election was the greatest journalist­ic failure — the largest act of group incompeten­ce — in decades. This failure fostered the need for some excuse for how they got so much so wrong.

They couldn’t just step out honestly and say: “Hey, we despised t his guy so much that it really warped our thinking and twisted our coverage, blocked out what we didn’t want to see. We were so mad at him we could not see.” That would have been the truthful and honourable thing to do. So, obviously, it was not adopted. Instead, the answer they did come up with, quickly and convenient­ly enough, was Fake News.

Now t here has always been f ake news. Newspaper, TV, magazines have always, to some degree, had a slant, an overall editorial direction. But the Fake News that we heard about for most of 2017, and were warned against by journali sm’s elders, and was so deplored by the monks of NPR and PBS, was something new and altogether more sinister. This Fake News was a project in itself, something crafted specifical­ly and particular­ly, and deployed maliciousl­y, by the fiends of the Trump campaign.

The way the term Fake News was invoked by newscaster­s, panels, and journalism profs was actually kind of scary. Fake News was a threat to the republic; it enjoyed a corrupting power that effortless­ly ousted the voices of the real media, and blunted the rational minds of the electorate. That Fake News was powerful stuff.

Actually, it was just a lot of silly rationaliz­ation for poor coverage, an excuse for i ncompetenc­e on the part of much of the profession­al press. Fake News, no surprise, is itself fake news. That’s the primary thing to know about it. It is a product of the eagerly conspirato­rial minds of the anti-Trumpers and Never Trumpers. It is quite i nteresting to note how the rational liberal observers of 2017 are so invested in conspiraci­es. They think the idiot Trump — for that is how they see him — set in motion complicate­d collusions with Putin and the Russians, and simultaneo­usly undermined t he national media with Fake News, and lulled an entire nation into the belief that he could not be elected.

Not bad for a 69- year- old loon and lout.

Such has been the substance of the coverage of the Trump presidency since the day he took office. There’s the — forgive the expression — real fake news.


 ?? NICOLE CRAINE / BLOOMBERG FILES ?? An attendee holds a sign during a rally held by U. S. President Donald Trump in Pensacola, Fla., on Dec. 8. Fake News — insofar as an effort to delegitimi­ze Trump — has been a project in itself, writes Rex Murphy.
NICOLE CRAINE / BLOOMBERG FILES An attendee holds a sign during a rally held by U. S. President Donald Trump in Pensacola, Fla., on Dec. 8. Fake News — insofar as an effort to delegitimi­ze Trump — has been a project in itself, writes Rex Murphy.
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