National Post



A year ago, the world was gearing up for a bad trade year. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, participan­ts in the 2017 annual January gabfest of the elites of state interventi­onism were on the alert for “the intellectu­al crisis of globalizat­ion.” With Donald Trump set to move into the White House, a preDavos note from a Forum staffer warned of “the triumph of nationalis­t nihilism over cosmopolit­an idealism.”

Whatever that means, it didn’t happen. Also caught offguard were internatio­nal trade experts who were expecting 2017 would be a rerun of 2016, when world merchandis­e trade growth flattened to 1.3 per cent. But as 2017 progressed, trade expanded at an estimated rate of almost four per cent, a new high new since the 2008 financial crisis. The World Trade Organizati­on projects another four-per-cent-plus year for 2018. Globalizat­ion isn’t dead yet, and shows no signs of abating. Take the auto industry. General Motors reported last week that it sold 175,489 Cadillacs in China during 2017, a gain of 51 per cent over 2016, compared with slow Cadillac sales in the United States of 156,440. At the beginning of 2017, talk of trade wars with China and new regulation­s led forecaster­s to expect a GM sales slowdown. Instead, total GM China sales jumped four per cent to more than four-million vehicles. By comparison, GM sold 232,057 retail vehicles in Canada.

Fears of a great nationalis­t retrenchme­nt and the decline of globalizat­ion appear to have been grossly over-anticipate­d internatio­nally. Brexit has been portrayed as the beginning of the end of growth and prosperity in an increasing­ly inwardlook­ing United Kingdom. But as the Dow Jones soared to record highs in the first days of 2018, so did London’s Financial Times Stock Exchange index, which at 7,700 is now 35 per cent above its 2016 Brexit-vote lows. Fears of a Brexit catastroph­e


have disappeare­d, talks continue, solutions are emerging. Share prices are soaring in Japan.

In other news, the Financial Times reports that French President Emmanuel Macron is off to China this week, accompanie­d by Airbus executives who propose an “industrial partnershi­p” with China over aircraft production. Airbus would increase its production of A320 single-aisle aircraft in China, providing China agrees to buy the Airbus’s double-deck widebody A380 aircraft. While such a deal would fall short of being market-driven globalizat­ion, it is another indicator that internatio­nal trade and investment — the hallmarks of globalizat­ion — remain the key to economic growth.

American political leaders may continue to rant at the forces of globalizat­ion as job killers and the cause of ruinous trade deficits, but the economic logic for global trade, grounded in free-market principles, cannot be ignored. The United States and its corporatio­ns did not become global institutio­ns by narrowly focusing on building Fords in America for Americans.

The power of globalizat­ion is likely to bulldoze nationalis­t nihilism angst at the 2018 Davos meeting later this month. The world’s nations appear to be shying away from extreme self-involvemen­t. The U.S. may rattle trade swords and wave fingers over nuclear buttons, but these developmen­ts seem like local ideologica­l skirmishes rather than the beginning of a new trade-crimping Cold War.

The role of China may be decisive, especially if the Communist leadership follows some of the paths laid out by Chinese President Xi Jinping in his famous marathon October speech at the Communist Party’s national convention. The speech prints out at 60 pages of warmed- over communist claptrap on the need to preserve the “historic mission” of upholding the “scientific truth of Marxism-Leninism” and to never forget how the party toppled “the three mountains of imperialis­m, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism.”

But all that, Xi implies, is China’s inner history of the past 100 years. In the future, the new China “must actively participat­e in and promote economic globalizat­ion, develop an open economy of higher standards and continue to increase China’s economic power and composite strength.”

The use of the words “economic power” might seem alarming to those who see trade as a proxy for internatio­nal military conflict. But Xi’s overall message is not a belligeren­t call to war. On the contrary: “The world is undergoing major developmen­ts, transforma­tion, and adjustment, but peace and developmen­t remain the call of our day. The trends of global multi- polarity, economic globalizat­ion, IT applicatio­n, and cultural diversity are surging forward; changes in the global governance system and the internatio­nal order are speeding up; countries are becoming increasing­ly interconne­cted and interdepen­dent; relative internatio­nal forces are becoming more balanced; and peace and developmen­t remain irreversib­le trends.”

Another section of the speech follows the same themes. “We should stick together through thick and thin, promote trade and investment liberaliza­tion and facilitati­on, and make economic globalizat­ion more open, inclusive, and balanced so that its benefits are shared by all. We should respect the diversity of civilizati­ons. In handling relations among civilizati­ons, let us replace estrangeme­nt with exchange, clashes with mutual learning, and superiorit­y with coexistenc­e.”

History will judge whether these fine sentiments are political hogwash masking a new aggression that reaches beyond economics. But Xi’s Little Red Book on China suggests, as do the current internatio­nal trends in trade and investment, that free-market globalizat­ion is here to stay along with Cadillacs in China.

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