National Post


- By Walter D. Feener

ACROSS 1. One with no fixed address 5. Behave theatrical­ly 10. “Rock- ___ Baby” 14. Miscalcula­tes 15. Special designs of a company 16. Continuous change 17. Former Portuguese money 18. Newspaper articles 19. Still red inside, as a steak 20. Turkish heelless slipper 22. Puts out a tenant 24. Bits and pieces of rubbish 25. Particular skill 26. Of last month: abbr. 27. Like some housecats 30. Some Camaros 33. Gift recipient 34. Flamenco cheer 35. Japanese food used in

vegetarian cooking 36. Units of transmissi­on speed 37. Actress Negri 38. Put-on 39. Sumo wrestler Masahiro 40. Foot-operated lever 41. Funeral song in Scotland 43. Hither and ___ 44. River in France 45. Starting point of

the Muslim era 48. Bent backward 50. Half man and half bull monster 52. Capital of Qatar 53. Unable to move 55. Old Testament book 56. Once more 57. Where Hercules slew a lion 58. Kind of tide 59. Tortilla dough 60. Part of GST 61. Put to proof

DOWN 1. Medicinal plant 2. Mountain nymph 3. Corrupting gift 4. Italian dish of veal 5. Draw out 6. Insects that fly at night 7. S-shaped moulding 8. Male turkey 9. Perfume ingredient­s 10. Second largest continent 11. Newfoundla­nd artist 12. Tent used by nomads in Mongolia 13. Divorced ones 21. Internet addresses 23. Valley 25. Japanese sport of fencing with bamboo sticks 27. Concoction for making

bread 28. Girl’s name 29. Give cards to 30. Apple computer 31. Puerto ___ 32. Largest living birds 33. Move to music 36. Kind of school 37. Feeling regret for

one’s sins 39. Place where your leg bends 40. Kind of stick 42. City in Ontario 43. Gossipy ones 45. Put on the payroll 46. Sailing ship that has had

its upper deck removed 47. Invisible emanations 48. First man 49. Canadian home

improvemen­t store 50. Written business message 51. Engrossed 54. New prefix

 ??  ??

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