National Post



Henning is 84 years old and lives in Northern Denmark. He has had operations on both knees, which unfortunat­ely kept creating problems for him. “It felt like someone stuck a knife into my kneecaps several times a day. It was dreadful.” Here is his story:

I have worked as a butcher since I was 17. My knees were worn out by 50, and I had both knees replaced. Unfortunat­ely, this was not without problems. I went for numerous examinatio­ns. Besides my knees I am well so I must admit it took a toll on my quality of life.

Tried Active LegsTM

My wife read about Active Legs in a magazine and asked if I wanted to try the tablets. I was a bit skeptical, but she convinced me. After taking Active Legs however, I felt much better within days. My legs felt lighter and the pain was going away. I have now taken the tablets for 2 months and I don’t think I will stop.

Recommendi­ng Active Legs to everyone now

Now, my wife and I enjoy our time as pensioners and go for long walks every day. It’s such a relief to have found a good natural product that works well. I highly recommend Active Legs - it is a fantastic product!”

- Henning, Denmark

Available at participat­ing health food stores and pharmacies. For more informatio­n, please call 1-877-696-6734 or visit our website. Always read the label and follow instructio­ns prior to use. Results may vary.

* Belcaro G., “A Clinical Comparison of Pycnogenol, Antistax, and Stocking in Chronic Venous Insufficie­ncy.” Int J Angiol. 2015 Dec;24(4):268-74.

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