National Post

No need for Republican­s to panic — yet

- Ed Ro gers Washington Post

The outcome of Tuesday’s special election in Pennsylvan­ia sends a clear political message: Republican­s are in trouble. Republican­s everywhere should take note — and be worried.

Yes, the margin of victory for the Democrat Conor Lamb was very slim. But nothing can change the fact that Donald Trump overwhelmi­ngly won the same district in 2016. But maybe the Republican Rick Saccone just wasn’t a good candidate. The generic ballot between Republican­s and Democrats in Congress is certainly not good. But being down almost eight points in March is not determinat­ive. The same can be said of the president’s 41 per cent approval rating. It’s not fatal. The focal point of the Republican Party, the White House, is in constant turmoil and has no coherent message, but people outside the Beltway don’t care about musical chairs in Washington, and message discipline is overrated. And finally, even though the historical midterm cycle is against Republican­s, sometimes history does not repeat itself.

So, if you are in the market to rationaliz­e, it is easy to dismiss any one component of the current political dy- namic and say that Tuesday’s special election and how things look today are not necessaril­y indicative of what might be in November. But only, of course, if you choose to be delusional. The truth is that these factors taken together make it look as though the Republican Party is facing a 12-alarm fire.

To be clear, this is what a losing cycle looks like. And this is what a wake- up call sounds like. Everyone seems to see it and hear it except for President Donald Trump. But Trump is the only person who can move the needle for Republican­s right now. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, have limits on the reach of their megaphones. They will do what they can to rally voters behind the Republican agenda, but only the bully pulpit of the presidency will make a real difference.

Trump must realize moving forward that what he says and what he does need to have broader appeal than to just those who turn out for his rallies. That doesn’t mean he should voice panic or admit his blunders, but it does mean he should be more thoughtful and measured in what he says and does. What’s new? Similarly, Republican­s ( besides me) shouldn’t be hand- wringing in public. It isn’t time for rending garments and putting on ashes and sackcloth just yet.

With that said, if Trump learns anything from the Pennsylvan­ia special election, it is that presenting a modicum of self- awareness and perhaps a more reassuring, more serious tone from the White House could have a calming effect on Republican voters. I worry that many independen­t and marginal Republican voters are so shocked and frightened by the president’s persistent­ly erratic behaviour that they think he needs to be checked by an empowered Democratic Party in Congress. And for their part, Democrats have become increasing­ly energized in response to constant Trump- induced turmoil. As the election soothsayer­s at FiveThirty­Eight noted after the vote, the recent special elections show that voter enthusiasm among Democrats is high and producing “major shifts under midtermlik­e conditions that ought to really scare Republican­s.” Well, consider me sufficient­ly scared. But is Trump?

More than 40 per cent of those in top- level positions in the Trump administra­tion have jumped ship since the beginning of the president’s term. That should be another wake- up call for the president to change how he is operating. If not, maybe this embarrassi­ng election will. Republican­s can only hope.

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