National Post

Therapeuti­c power of sport

Sledge hockey star to help Bronco survivor


Seconds after being told he might never walk again, Humboldt Broncos crash survivor Ryan Straschnit­zki told his parents he’d just have to go out and win Olympic gold in sledge hockey instead.

It spoke to the tremendous resilience of a young man dealing with the unthinkabl­e.

It also spoke to Chris Cederstran­d, who like many Canadians, was wondering what he could to do to help.

When he heard of Straschnit­zki’s new goal, the former Red Deer Rebels forward-turned national sledge team player knew immediatel­y how he could assist.

After losing his right leg in a horrific constructi­on accident in 2005, Cederstran­d struggled for years with finding meaning and direction in his life. He’s determined to ensure that doesn’t happen with Straschnit­zki, by not only teaching him the sport, but by counsellin­g him through a transition he can relate to.

Reaching out to Straschnit­zki’s mom through social media, Cederstran­d is in the midst of arranging a trip to Saskatoon to meet the 18-year-old Airdrie, Alta., native with an eye on forging a relationsh­ip designed around giving him the support and opportunit­ies Cederstran­d wished he had early on.

“If I would have had somebody in my shoes now that would have come to talk to me after my accident, it would have made a world of difference,” said Cederstran­d, a 37-year-old Okotoks, Alta., resident who recently retired from the national team with which he won silver at the 2015 world championsh­ips.

“It’s something I hope I can bring to him. When I had my accident almost 13 years ago when someone came in to talk to me the best Paralympic sport they could offer was bowling.

“There weren’t a lot of options out there and it was so dishearten­ing for someone who had played hockey, was very active and played every sport under the sun.

“I had sort of made it my mission once I got better I wouldn’t let that happen to anybody else. I try to get to as many people with traumatic injuries to show them there’s a lot out there still.

“Your life has changed and you take a different path but that path can take you to some absolutely incredible destinatio­ns. You’re still the same person in the inside.”

After completing his firefighte­r training, Cederstran­d was working a constructi­on job in 2005 that saw a 30-tonne road packer he was driving flip onto his right leg.

When he woke up in hospital, the leg had been removed above the knee to save his life, sparking years dominated by phantom pain, nightmares and depression.

“My accident was different than Ryan’s obviously as nobody else was injured. With these guys losing friends and brothers within the hockey world, it’s a different dynamic I obviously can’t speak to,” said Cederstran­d who is from tiny Martensvil­le, Sask., and played his triple-A hockey in Tisdale, Sask., the closest town to where the Humboldt Broncos’ bus crashed.

“But I can relate to being an elite athlete like him and having that taken away from him. The parallel is that life has to go on and there are similar challenges. Sport is the one thing that really got my life back on track.

“To be able to bring sport back into someone’s life, especially when he has this incredible mindset already, is huge. When they have that sort of goal already in their head it makes life a lot easier.”

Cederstran­d does some motivation­al speaking but his real passion is his sledge hockey school at WinSport where, with the help of sponsors, he’s able to coach disabled kids for free.

He has a sled waiting for Straschnit­zki, which warmed the heart of a young man who still has no feeling below his chest.

“That would be awesome, for sure,” said Straschnit­zki of meeting Cederstran­d and taking him up on his coaching offer. “I’m looking at things positively and trying to be optimistic on this side of things.

“If I’m not able to play hockey anymore or strap up the skates I want to be able to still be on the ice somehow and win gold.

“It’s always been my dream to play an Olympic sport, so I’ve decided if hockey doesn’t work out, sledge hockey would be my next option.”

An option that took Cederstran­d six agonizing years to figure out, attracted only to the sport after seeing it during a demonstrat­ion at a Flames game and then watching the world sledge challenge in Calgary.

“It was sport that really brought my life back around because it was such a huge part of my life before the accident,” he said.

“It left a big void and that’s the way I see it for these kids who have had this tragedy. It’s finding that normality in your life and sport is the norm for them.

“For them to be able to get back into them and see there’s a huge world out there of sport no matter what disability they have.

“It wasn’t looking at what I couldn’t do anymore, it was embracing a new challenge.”

A challenge he wants to help Straschnit­zki with, supporting him on and off the ice. “We’re both athletes from a similar background that had something taken away from us. It would be very easy for me to make that personal connection and help him,” said Cederstran­d.

“Life goes on, and having this amazing life skill and having that support system around you helps in recovery. The faster you can get on with things the better it will be.”


 ??  ?? Ryan Straschnit­zki, one of the survivors of the tragic Humboldt Broncos bus crash, is visited by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau two days after the April 6 accident.
Ryan Straschnit­zki, one of the survivors of the tragic Humboldt Broncos bus crash, is visited by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau two days after the April 6 accident.

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