National Post

The danger of the radical environmen­talists,


- Rex MuRphy

“Rightly to be great, Is not to stir without great argument, But greatly to find quarrel in a straw.” Hamlet (having a Coke).

For now your straws and swizzle sticks are safe. Prime Minister Trudeau is not (yet) going along with Britain’s Theresa May in her fierce campaign to ban the drinking straw. It is a tribute to the wily manoeuvres and insidious influence of the internatio­nal straw lobby that our PM “refused to be pinned down” and remained “noncommitt­al” on the menace of the common drinking straw to the planet’s ecosystems. On so grand a question he felt it better to defer till at least a full convocatio­n of the world’s great economies, the G7. Wise man.

It was a severe disappoint­ment to those hoping for Trudeau leadership on the straw cartel. After all, straws are, as one environmen­talist noted, just small pipelines for CO2saturat­ed, atmosphere-degrading soft drinks. “Anyone can stand up to the oil lobby, but the gnomes of the internatio­nal straw trade … ?” Well, that’s a different set of emissions.

This tidy drama was of course playing out in London, to which Mr. Trudeau had flown from Paris after flying from Ottawa to Lima and from Lima to Ottawa and from Ottawa to Paris. The sheer volume of venues prohibited any serious dip into the internatio­nal wardrobe closet, the prime minister austerely confining himself to the grim stylings of the business suit.

Meantime, during this rigorous hejira, back home, the pot was boiling over as usual. Kinder Morgan issued a statement that the newly hatched idea of the federal government or Alberta providing a financial backstop was not the kind of “certainty” or “clarity” it needed on the one remaining pipeline that would release Alberta oil to the higher revenues of world markets.

For that plan clearly sidesteps the real obstructio­n to constructi­on: the implacable opposition to any future developmen­t of the Alberta oilsands as represente­d by the Green Party in B.C. Andrew Weaver’s three-person party, two more than Elizabeth May’s to be sure, holds Premier John Horgan’s NDP in its ideologica­l clasp. As the holy crucifix in highnoon sunlight is to the silent screen Dracula of old, so is the thought that oil from Alberta would move in a pipeline through B.C., to Mr. Weaver and his caucus duo.

Government-to-government disagreeme­nt is not however, by any means, the real problem here. As was most saliently noted this week by Brian Crowley of the MacdonaldL­aurier Institute, those who believe that the interprovi­ncial quarrel is the main obstacle to seeing the Trans Mountain built are fooling themselves. It is not, nor has it ever been. “Even (if ) B.C. accepts it must obey the law, we are left with those who feel no such scruples: the hardline environmen­tal movement.”

There is the real threat. Regardless of any future court resolution­s, any accommodat­ions worked out between the Alberta and B.C. government­s, there remain the ninjas of extreme environmen­talism: the various and legion NGOs, the acrobats of Greenpeace, the dubious think-tanks and “charities,” the foundation­s, foreign and domestic, the radical Indigenous groupings — all consortia who have been fully baptized and subscribe to every dogma of the science-settled Church of the Latter Day Apocalypti­cs of Global Warming. Profession­al scofflaws all, who claim the virtue of their cause is supreme over law, government, the national economy, or any other perspectiv­e other than their self-declared mission.

Example. Federal Green Party Leader Elizabeth May is a legislator. She makes laws you have to follow. But when a court — the instrument of law — issues an injunction, she flouts it; because her private conviction­s about “saving the Earth” are superior to the law. That is the shared mentality of all radical environmen­talists. It is a view also manipulate­d by those who are not radical environmen­talists, but whose love of trees and pandas is but an umbrella for less salubrious agendas. The view that radical environmen­talism is just about the environmen­t is abandoned by most in early grade school around the time of the third spelling book.

Further, the tactics of extremist opposition on environmen­tal issues have been legitimize­d by never seriously, or only rarely, being challenged by political leaders. The current federal government has so glowingly wedded itself to “leading the charge against climate change” that it has, wittingly or otherwise, created the ideal climate (pun fully intended) for such groupings which deploy such tactics to flourish, and even earn celebratio­n.

Justin Trudeau’s government will never insist on building a pipeline if the opposition to it mobilizes in blockades, harassment and civil disobedien­ce — as it has clearly indicated it will — to stop it. Will he defy big-name environmen­tal groups? The subset of Aboriginal groups who oppose Trans Mountain, as opposed to the larger number who support it?

Mr. Trudeau has not the will. More importantl­y, he has not the ideologica­l dispositio­n to do so.

Further, having effectivel­y killed the Energy East pipeline (changing the regulatory rules killed that project), the federal government has made Trans Mountain the Alamo (obligatory Texas reference) of the environmen­tal movement in Canada. The cancellati­on of other pipelines has narrowed the battlegrou­nd, upped the stakes, and facilitate­d the contest — all to the advantage of its opponents.

This is why Kinder Morgan is not impressed by either a federal backstop or some surface reconcilia­tion between B.C. and Alberta. And why these 11th-hour interventi­ons are somewhere between playacting and desperatio­n.

Alarmingly however, the battle has moved beyond all its pretexts. It’s now agitating strains within the Confederat­ion, impairing elements of our common national understand­ing. Environmen­talism has containmen­t problems of its own. Canada is beginning to see that.

It must then have been a bit of a relief to decline the battle over straws and soda pop.

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