National Post

Ford as Trump? A weak link for tired Liberals

- Chris selley

For weeks now, there has been friendly debate within the punditocra­cy as to the aptness of comparing Doug Ford to Donald Trump. Both are men, populists, nominally conservati­ve, rich yet “anti-elite,” and prone to bullying and running their mouths. Only one has been accused of doing awful things to women and of nefarious ties to Russia and of actively courting white supremacis­ts, which is where it all falls to pieces. Indeed, while many of Ford’s opponents accuse him of naked racism, they have yet to convince his legions of nonwhite supporters.

I’ve always found the comparison weird, more than anything else. If you’re in the market for someone to compare Ontario Conservati­ve leader Doug Ford to, the glaringly obvious choice would be Rob Ford, who brought chaos and panic and incoherenc­e to Toronto City Hall years before Trump brought it to the White House. It’s as if people feel an obligation to shoehorn Trump into every story, in case people are only really interested in the First World’s most spectacula­r gong show.

This week, I’m sensing more people might be coming around to my skepticism. The Economist added to “Canada’s Donald Trump” file the fact that both men are “big, beefy and blond,” which also describes Chris Farley. (And Rob Ford.) It compared Alberta United Conservati­ve Party Leader Jason Kenney to Ford, which is weird, and to Trump, which is weirder. Their case — wait for it — is that Kenney is “a conservati­ve accused of sharing Mr. Trump’s penchant for ‘alternativ­e facts.’ ”

So he’s a politician ... who doesn’t always tell the truth. Should we start making a list of politician­s who aren’t like Donald Trump?

But it was Hillary Clinton, sorry Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, who really dragged the comparison through the garden this week. On Tuesday in Brockville, apropos of his vow to audit the Liberal government’s expenditur­es if elected premier in June, Ford said that “if Kathleen Wynne tried to pull these kinds of shady tricks in private life, then there would a few more Liberals joining David Livingston in jail.” He was referring to Dalton McGuinty’s former chief of staff, recently sentenced to four months for his role in trying to destroy gas plant-related emails.

The next day, speaking to reporters, Wynne waxed nostalgic about the dignified days of John Robarts and Bill Davis and then went wide. “Let’s just call this ... out for what it is. Doug Ford sounds like Donald Trump, and that’s because he is like Donald Trump,” she said. “He believes in ugly, vicious brand of politics that traffics and smears and lies. He’ll say anything about anyone at any time because just like Trump, it is all about him.”

She was just getting started.

“Michelle Obama, whom I admire greatly, recommende­d that when they go low, we should go high. I loved that idea when she said it, until we ended up with Donald Trump in the White House,” said Wynne. “So, I’m sorry, but not again. Not here, not in Ontario. I’m not going to go high. I’m not going to go low.”

(On Friday, Liberal campaign director David Herle called Ford “a dick” on live television.)

“I’m going to call that bullying behaviour out for what it is,” Wynne continued, Elgar’s Land of Hope and Glory fading up in the background (not really). “I will fight him on behalf of the people, the families, the babies, the moms, the dads, the grandmas, the aunts and the uncles all over this province.”

Well. Crikey. In case you missed it, the Trump link here was Ford’s talk of Liberals going to jail. “He all but chanted, ‘Lock her up,’ talking about me,” Wynne complained. “All but” is doing a lot of work in that sentence, it seems to me, but in any event we went through all this in 2016, and I thought we learned something. The vast majority of people who chant “lock her up” about Clinton, or who say “Kathleen Wynne ought to be in jail,” are not actually envisionin­g some kind of last-days-of-communism drumhead show trial followed by indefinite imprisonme­nt. Liberals tried to make that case about Trump and his supporters, and to normal people they just seemed unhinged.

It is not generally accepted as good strategy to define your opponent as a flesh-eating space monster, lest he look rather good by comparison to the unfamiliar. People don’t like Trump, Herle is being paid handsomely for his expertise, and I’m just an unfrozen caveman columnist, but this is Doug Ford we’re talking about. This is a man who walks around actually boasting of his time at Toronto City Hall, claiming his late brother’s steaming mess of an administra­tion as his own and talking about it as if it were the New Deal. We’re talking about the president of the United States ... why?

There is plenty of time to attack Ford on that record, to be sure. But the longer the Liberals spend pointing at him and yelling “Trump!” the odder, more desperate and tired they look.


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