National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Mentioned before

5. Leg part

9. Sound of a hard hit

13. Cupid

14. Seed coverings

16. Hawaiian dance

17. Location

18. Australian racehorse

19. Unctuous

20. Bryan Adams song

22. “___’s Child” (Amanda Marshall CD)

24. Fleur-de-lis

26. Type of Japanese pottery

27. He travelled to Lilliput

31. Character in the Austin Powers movies

35. Under the weather

36. Lowest point

38. Smallest liquid measure

39. Put an end to

41. Edible seaweed

43. Made-up story

44. British-born classical pianist

46. Title of Ethiopian royalty

48. Went in a hurry

49. English grandmaste­r

51. Tropical fruit

53. former premier of Ontario

55. Row of words

56. Nickelback song

59. Deny the existence of

63. Jacob’s son

64. Sweet smell

66. Wild goat

67. Of the ear

68. Name in cameras

69. River in England

70. Goalie gear

71. Black substance inside chimneys

72. Goes on to say


1. Window part

2. French girlfriend 3. Greek vowel 4. Character in the Austin Powers movies

5. Travelling amusement show

6. 100 square metres

7. Tip to one side

8. ___-de-lis

9. Detective story

10. New Zealand bird

11. Friendly country

12. Asking permission

15. Vapourized water

21. Ireland

23. Remove from the top

25. Type of car

27. Main ideas

28. Excessive

29. Axworthy who was Minister of Foreign Affairs under Chrétien

30. Steel beam fastener

32. Lake in Finland

33. City in Italy

34. Correct by changing the wording

37. Fit for a king

40. Art of controvers­y

42. Cud chewing animal

45. Granular snow

47. All there

50. Fortificat­ion

52. Capital of Saskatchew­an

54. Garments worn in India

56. Bristle

57. Roman poet

58. ___ Ono

60. Sleeping

61. Be inclined

62. First letters of the postal codes in Nunavut and Northwest Territorie­s

63. Cut branches from

65. Low

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