National Post

At every turn, Trump ignores the obvious

- Andrew coyne

On Thursday, at an impromptu press conference after his spectacula­r nearderail­ing of the NATO summit, Donald Trump was asked about next week’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. How did he think they would get along?

The president declined to identify Putin as either a friend or enemy, but as a “competitor.” Still, “he’s been very nice to me,” and “the couple of times that I’ve gotten to meet him, we got along very well,” and, you know, “hopefully, someday, maybe, he’ ll be a friend.”

“I think I would have a very good relationsh­ip with President Putin if we spent time together,” Trump mused the next morning at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May. He would, that is, were it not for “the rigged witch hunt.” By which he meant the investigat­ion, under special counsel Robert Mueller, of possible collusion between the Russian government and members of the Trump campaign to throw the 2016 election to the Republican­s.

These are familiar Trump themes: his strange crush on Putin, as much as his hatred for Mueller. Only this time Trump was speaking knowing something the rest of the world did not: that Mueller was about to bring charges against 12 Russian military intelligen­ce officers for interferin­g in the 2016 election by various means — among them, hacking into Democratic Party and Clinton campaign computers and sharing the contents, via third parties (hello, WikiLeaks!), with the outside world.

Trump had been briefed on the charges earlier in the week. Yet here he was, in possession of detailed evidence that the Russian government had orchestrat­ed an attack on the American democratic process, speaking of his fond hopes that Putin would one day be his friend and denouncing Mueller’s inquiry as a witch hunt: a hunt, that is, for something that does not exist.

An indictment is not a conviction, and Russian interferen­ce does not prove the Trump campaign had anything to do with it. But Mueller’s indictment only confirms what U.S. intelligen­ce agencies have long believed and Trump has always been strangely reluctant to concede: that Russia hacked the election, with the express purpose of helping him win.

A thought experiment. Let us suppose the Trump administra­tion were entirely blameless. How would an entirely blameless government ordinarily be expected to react at even the first whiff of suspicion that a foreign power, let alone an acknowledg­ed adversary, had tampered with U.S. elections? It would be leading the charge. It would have ordered its own inquiry. It would have demanded answers from the Russian government. And the more evidence it had that its suspicions were true — long before the laying of actual criminal charges — the more ready it would be to impose penalties of some kind.

Yet at every turn the Trump administra­tion and its supporters have done the opposite. They have not just been stunningly incurious about the worst American intelligen­ce debacle since the Rosenbergs — they have been actively hostile to any attempt to get to the bottom it.

The president fired the head of the FBI for pursuing the investigat­ion, after his initial attempts to interfere in it were rebuffed. Since Mueller was named special counsel he has continuall­y attempted to discredit, impede and otherwise obstruct his work.

And, far from calling Putin on the carpet, Trump has given him every benefit of the doubt — not just on the specific charge of interferen­ce in the election, but on everything: Ukraine, Crimea, the Baltics, Syria, the works. It was Trump, not Putin, who asked for the summit.

Even the latest revelation has produced no change. A Trump spokespers­on issued a statement afterward that declined to denounce any Russian interferen­ce, but merely noted the indictment contained no allegation of collusion with the Trump campaign. Which was the cue for Trump surrogates like Rudy Giuliani to demand that Mueller wrap up his investigat­ion.

Again: is this the behaviour one would expect of a government that had nothing to hide? It would be bizarre enough on its own: if a passel of Russian spooks were going to such great lengths to tilt the election in Trump’s favour, it is surely worth asking why, and at whose behest, and whether they had domestic help.

But the Trump administra­tion’s behaviour looks even stranger in light of the many contacts between members of Trump’s circle and Russian officials. In particular, the latest indictment mentions an unnamed “person in regular contact with senior members of (Trump’s) presidenti­al campaign” who was also in regular contact with “Guccifer 2.0,” one of the aliases the Russian hackers used.

At least eight members of the Trump team are known to have had contacts with Russian intelligen­ce officials, on 82 separate occasions, according to The Moscow Project website; the number of Trump officials who knew about these contacts stands at 26. They have, moreover, shown a persistent tendency to lie about them — either flatly denying them, notably in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or offering shifting explanatio­ns of what was discussed, as in the notorious June 2016 meeting with Donald Trump Jr. at the Trump Tower.

So far, Mueller’s “witch hunt” has indicted 32 people, including three Trump associates, on more than 100 criminal counts. Five have pleaded guilty. Again, there is no proof as yet of any collusion. But to conclude from the evidence collected to date that there’s nothing further to investigat­e requires a heroic effort of wilful blindness. Whether there’s a fire remains to be seen, but there’s sure as hell a lot of smoke.

In light of the latest indictment­s, there are increasing demands that Monday’s summit be cancelled — or, at the very least, that Trump should not be allowed to meet alone with Putin. As Democratic Senator Mark Warner put it, there should be “other Americans in the room.” Just think about that for a second.

 ?? SERGEI CHIRIKOV / POOL PHOTO VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? “In light of today’s indictment­s, there should be no one-on-one meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin (above) on Monday. There must be Americans in the room. If the President won’t make Russia’s attack on our election the #1 issue at the...
SERGEI CHIRIKOV / POOL PHOTO VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES “In light of today’s indictment­s, there should be no one-on-one meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin (above) on Monday. There must be Americans in the room. If the President won’t make Russia’s attack on our election the #1 issue at the...
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