National Post

Victim not in conflict on guns panel

- Jim Bronskill

OTTAWA • A federal watchdog has dismissed complaints that a mass-shooting survivor broke the rules by working with an advocacy group to lobby for gun policy changes while also serving as a member of the Liberal government’s firearms advisory committee.

In a recent decision, federal lobbying commission­er Nancy Belanger said Nathalie Provost’s work on behalf of the gun-control group PolySeSouv­ient did not breach lobbying laws because Provost is not paid by the group and therefore does not need to register as a lobbyist.

Provost said in an interview that she was relieved to be cleared by the commission­er, and considers the efforts against her an attempt to discredit PolySeSouv­ient.

“I knew that I was not a lobbyist,” she said. “I feel it’s like a strategy to shut us down.”

Belanger’s office received numerous complaints about Provost’s alleged conflict of interest after firearms advocates launched an online campaign encouragin­g people to write letters.

Provost, who was shot four times during the 1989 assault by a gunman at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechni­que, has been involved for eight years with PolySeSouv­ient, which includes students and graduates of the engineerin­g school.

In late 2016 the Liberals appointed her as a vice-chair of the 10-member federal firearms advisory committee, which advises the public safety minister on gun policies, laws and regulation­s. The committee is chaired by a former Supreme Court justice and counts a police chief, competitiv­e sport shooter, emergency physician and farmer among its members.

Under the committee’s terms of reference, members are barred from engaging in lobbying activities or working as a registered lobbyist on behalf of any organizati­on making submission­s or representa­tions to the federal government on issues relating to the mandate of the committee.

A bill introduced in March would expand the scope of background checks on those who want to acquire a gun and force gun retailers to keep records of firearms inventory and sales. The legislatio­n would also require purchasers to present a firearms licence, while the seller would have to ensure its validity.

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