National Post

Our main foe in NAFTA talks thinks the U.S. stands for Uncle Sucker.


- Tom Blackwell in Washington, D.C.

Robert Lighthizer didn’t need to look far for evidence that manufactur­ing in the United States was in serious trouble.

As he left his Ohio hometown over 40 years ago, the steel mills that were the bedrock of the little Lake Erie port city of Ashtabula started to shutter one after another. It is now one of the poorest places in America, the remnants of those plants sent to be recycled elsewhere, the population dwindling.

For Lighthizer, now 70, the loss of good-paying manufactur­ing jobs in places like Ashtabula has a root cause: unfair competitio­n from cheap, foreign imports.

He has devoted much of his career to confrontin­g that issue, negotiatin­g “voluntary” quotas as a U.S. trade official in the 1980s then for decades afterwards as a lawyer representi­ng steel firms fighting alleged dumping.

And now, as U.S. Trade Representa­tive, it is Lighthizer — a man who once penned a New York Times Op-Ed piece in praise of protection­ism — whom Canadian officials now face in increasing­ly fractious talks to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement. And who could do much to shape Canada’s economic future.

“He basically thinks that the U.S. is Uncle Sucker, and that prior trade agreements were not to the U.S.'s advantage, and that other countries were more clever and more sneaky in the way they do business,” says Gary Hufbauer, a fellow at the Peterson Institute for Internatio­nal Economics who has known Lighthizer for decades.

“He sees the world as fundamenta­lly out to get the U.S.”

In that regard, Lighthizer is closely aligned with the views of his boss, President Donald Trump — and at odds with free-trade orthodoxy. But there is more to make the avid bird-hunter, golfer and fitness enthusiast a difficult counterpar­t for Canadians at the NAFTA bargaining table.

Associates and friends say he not only has an encycloped­ic knowledge of trade law, but is a shrewd bargainer with a withering, if amusing, style.

“He’s probably the smartest and most capable guy in the cabinet,” said a former colleague, who spoke on the condition they not be named. “He is in a lot of ways a delightful character. He has a wicked sense of humour, he’s very engaging.”

That humour — described by others as acerbic, wry and acidic — can also be tinged with misogyny and racial insensitiv­ity, said the ex-colleague.

“It’s lightheart­ed and not intended to be offensive ... He reminds me of my grandfathe­r and some of his cronies.”

Close friend Roderick DeArment called Lighthizer’s negotiatin­g style hard-nosed but transparen­t. “He kind of puts it right out there. I would listen to what he has to say, evaluate what he says, and don’t be offended by anything he says,” said DeArment, who met Lighthizer while studying for bar entrance in the 1970s. “He’s tough, and down the middle.”

Regardless, Canadians are discoverin­g just how formidable an adversary he can be.

Lighthizer told a U.S. Senate hearing last week he is close to achieving a separate deal with Mexico, which he hopes he can then use to pressure Canada into making compromise­s. Indeed, sources said Canadian foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland tried to get an invitation to a meeting between Lighthizer and Mexico’s economy minister in Washington Thursday and Friday, but was rebuffed.

One U.S. source briefed on the negotiatio­ns told the Post Lighthizer dislikes Freeland, believing she went behind his back by lobbying members of Congress, many of whom have been critical of Trump trade tactics. Lighthizer’s office took the rare step Tuesday of issuing a statement saying that he considers Freeland a “good friend.” But he still won’t be meeting with her this week.

Since leaving Ohio, Lighthizer has spent much of his life in and around Washington, attending university and law school here and then joining a local firm.

He worked there with DeArment, launching a friendship that has included yearly treks to Wyoming for pheasant hunting. Lighthizer is an “excellent shot,” his friend noted.

Within a few years, they were both working for the Senate’s finance committee under then-chairman Bob Dole, Lighthizer as its staff director, DeArment his deputy.

Even then his negotiatin­g acumen was in evidence, as he painstakin­gly manoeuvred to have finance take over responsibi­lity for trade from another committee, said the former colleague who spoke on condition of anonymity. “He is a very strategic thinker, he thinks many moves ahead.”

Lighthizer was appointed as a deputy U.S. trade representa­tive under President Ronald Reagan, charged with negotiatin­g what were called “voluntary trade agreements” with foreign nations then flooding the U.S. with manufactur­ed goods.

The deals he made in that role employed what were in some ways subtler versions of the tactics Trump and Lighthizer have used recently.

Lighthizer would outline the punishing restrictio­ns America planned to impose if the foreign nation continued to feed cheap steel into the U.S., then make an offer the country likely couldn’t refuse: a deal that would see them willingly reduce those levels less drasticall­y.

“He would create situations where there is a sense of urgency to the negotiatio­n: something bad was gong to happen by a certain time unless the parties came to a resolution,” said the former colleague.

But the agreements worked, helping revive American industry while avoiding the kind of chaos created by the steel and aluminum tariffs Trump imposed on Canada and other countries recently, the source said.

The deals were later barred by the World Trade Organizati­on, a body Lighthizer dislikes — he cited the “whims” of its “anti-American bureaucrat­s” in his 2008 op-ed.

He eventually returned to private law practice, but remained loyal to Dole — acting as treasurer on one of his presidenti­al campaigns — and in literal close proximity to D.C. power.

From his downtown office, he would use binoculars to watch then President Bill Clinton take chip shots on the White House’s south lawn, the Baltimore Sun reported in 1996.

As a lawyer his practice largely involved representi­ng steel companies, often in cases that applied U.S. antidumpin­g law, which slaps duties on imported goods allegedly sold at less than market value. Hufbauer, who believes the law punishes a pricing tactic that is perfectly legal among domestic competitor­s, called Lighthizer “Mr. Dumping.”

His 2008 op-ed solidified his status as a free-trade skeptic, criticizin­g Republican presidenti­al nominee John McCain’s support for the concept, and warning that the existing global trade regime was allowing China to become a superpower.

Free traders “oppose any trade limitation­s, even if we must depend on foreign countries to feed ourselves or equip our military,” Lighthizer wrote, echoing his current defence of Trump’s nationalse­curity-based steel tariffs.

When a like-minded president asked him to be USTR last year he embraced the request, even though he was starting to wind down his law practice, said DeArment. "I think he was looking forward to playing more golf.”

His stance in renegotiat­ing NAFTA — one of Trump’s central campaign promises — has certainly not been retiring.

Canadian and Mexican officials recoiled at his initial demands — a five-year sunset clause that would require the agreement to be re-approved regularly, tough rules for increasing American content in cars imported from the other countries, and a partial dismantlin­g of NAFTA’s disputeres­olution system.

In the process, Lighthizer — who reportedly has a portrait of himself displayed in his home — has risen in stature within the administra­tion, and now is roughly an equal to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, said Hufbauer.

But as powerful a force as he is, Canada should “hang tough,” the Peterson Institute expert argues. Agreeing to American demands on issues like the sunset clause and dispute resolution could leave it worse off than no deal at all, he said.

“I don’t think Canada gets any benefit by conceding the whole Lighthizer agenda,” said Hufbauer. “Canada has a lot of natural strengths. It can live without NAFTA if that’s what it comes to.”


 ?? ARIS OIKONOMOU / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? According to someone who has known Robert Lighthizer for years, the 70-year-old “sees the world as fundamenta­lly out to get the U.S.”
ARIS OIKONOMOU / AFP / GETTY IMAGES FILES According to someone who has known Robert Lighthizer for years, the 70-year-old “sees the world as fundamenta­lly out to get the U.S.”

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