National Post

Descent into thuggery



After more than three months of violence and state terror, Nicaraguan­s are now fleeing their country, showing up by the thousands in neighbouri­ng Costa Rica and Honduras. They’re filing refugee claims in Panama, Mexico, and even the United States. Nearly 25,000 Nicaraguan­s have applied for asylum in Costa Rica since April, when Daniel Ortega’s paramilita­ries started shooting student protesters. Costa Rican immigratio­n officials say they can’t keep up — they’re getting about 200 refugee claims every day. The Office of the United Nations Commission­er for Human Rights is calling for the internatio­nal community’s help.

Only 195 people have been killed, Ortega says — Nicaraguan human rights groups put the death toll at around 450 — but at least Ortega has stopped pretending it isn’t happening. All along, he’s been denying that his paramilita­ries have been involved in the repression. In an interview broadcast by CNN on Monday, Ortega said again, no, there are no paramilita­ries — they’re just volunteer police officers.

This will strike any dispassion­ate observer as propaganda of the lowest kind, as will Ortega’s claims that the student-led protests are the work of a satanic cult, that the protesters are terrorists, and that the Roman Catholic clergy that had supported him, then retreated into neutrality, and then mostly turned against him, are agents of the U.S. Central Intelligen­ce Agency.

But across the spectrum of left-wing or formerly leftwing solidarity groups that have long supported Comandante Ortega’s Sandinista National Liberation Front, the capacity for wishful thinking, narrative-mongering and make-believe is apparently fathomless. When it’s not that kind of thing, it’s an embarrasse­d silence.

In the United States, the anti-globalizat­ion Alliance For Global Justice proposes some kind of conspiracy against Ortega involving the World Bank, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund and the European Union. In the United Kingdom, the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action chalks up Ortega’s problems to fake news and a misinforma­tion campaign aided and abetted by Amnesty Internatio­nal. In Canada, the labour and church groups that have been backing the Sandinista­s since the glory days of their 1979 revolution, which handily and usefully overthrew the dictator Anastasio Somoza, have lately gone strangely silent.

There’s also the usual gibberish produced by Venezuela’s TeleSur network, and lately the slavishly proOrtega interventi­ons of the creepy anti-Zionist pseudo journalist Max Blumenthal, whose sundry “anti-imperialis­t” followers drink it all down, vomit it back up and circulate it all over the place via the convenienc­e of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

But the steady stream of Orteguista propaganda isn’t gaining much traction, owing mainly to credible reports from inside Nicaragua, the testimony of several of the Sandinista’s own founding champions, and the denunciati­ons that are piling up against the corruption­s of Sandinismo coming from liberation theologian­s and the aging Tupamaro guerrilla veteran Jose Mujica from Uruguay, and even New Left archdruid Noam Chomsky hasn’t managed to circumlocu­te a defence of Ortega’s crude brutalitie­s.

Writing in the reliably progressiv­e journal New Internatio­nalist, the Nicaraguan journalist Carmen Herrera Vallejos sums up the Nicaraguan tragedy this way: “Today, Sandinismo has become a despotic regime, like the one it fought against.”

The Sandinista­s’ descent into kleptocrat­ic authoritar­ianism wasn’t inevitable, but the revolution­ary movement’s vulnerabil­ities to strongman politics were evident from the earliest days.

After Somoza’s overthrow in 1979, the amateurish, idealistic FSLN government pushed a surprising­ly moderate politics. U.S. president Ronald Reagan’s support for the counter-revolution­ary “Contras” certainly didn’t help, but by the time of the 1984 elections, which the Sandinista­s won, the dominant faction was turning to Warsaw Pact countries for support.

In the 1990 elections, Ortega’s FSLN was turfed, and the party leaders retrenched within the resources they’d looted from the properties once owned by the Somoza regime. During the 1990s, the FSLN was at its own throat. Broken into factions and rocked by the allegation­s of Ortega’s stepdaught­er that the comandante had raped her as a child, party leaders who defended the young woman were purged. With an eye on returning to power at any cost, Ortega entered into a kind of powershari­ng pact with the ruling Constituti­onal Liberal Party.

By the time Ortega won the 2006 presidenti­al elections, much of the Sandinista old guard had been driven out, or had left in disgust, and Ortega formed a new government with the aid of former Contra leaders and the cunning manipulati­ons of Rosario Murillo, his wife and now vice-president.

Following the pattern set by Turkey’s Recep Erdogan and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Ortega finagled his way around presidenti­al term limits, allowing him to win the presidency in 2011 and again in 2014. Ortega’s majority in the National Assembly ended up agreeing to scrap term limits entirely, allowing him to serve as president for life, so long as he submits to pro-forma elections.

Ortega’s long and ugly descent into police-state thuggery continued largely unencumber­ed until April this year, when the paramilita­ry groups he’d establishe­d to bully grassroots opposition activists murdered 40 people involved in a studentled protest campaign against changes to the country’s pension laws. The public erupted in disgust.

The protests grew larger, and the protesters sometimes resorted to violence. The villages and towns that were once revolution­ary Sandinista stronghold­s threw themselves into the insurrecti­on.

In the New Internatio­nalist, Carmen Herrera Vallejos asks: “Isn’t this the process that sociologis­ts call ‘implosion’?”

It is. Nicaragua is imploding, and it’s anyone’s guess whether anything short of some sort of neo-Sandinista revolution will effectivel­y dislodge the new Somoza now occupying the president’s office in Managua.

 ?? MARVIN RECINOS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? A demonstrat­or on Monday takes part in a march by university students and doctors who were dismissed from a public hospital for treating wounded anti-government protesters. The demonstrat­ion was in Leon, Nicaragua, and targeted President Daniel Ortega...
MARVIN RECINOS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES A demonstrat­or on Monday takes part in a march by university students and doctors who were dismissed from a public hospital for treating wounded anti-government protesters. The demonstrat­ion was in Leon, Nicaragua, and targeted President Daniel Ortega...
 ??  ??

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