National Post


Now-deleted message meant for Canada

- AdAm TAylor The Washington Post

Amid a diplomatic spat between Saudi Arabia and Canada, a pro-government Saudi Twitter account shared — and then deleted — a digitally altered image that appeared to show a plane flying toward the skyline of Toronto.

The image, shared by the account @infographi­c_ksa, was accompanie­d by a message in English that contained the saying “He who interferes with what doesn’t concern him finds what doesn’t please him.” The text “sticking one’s nose where it doesn’t belong!” was also superimpos­ed over the image.

Though the image was deleted, screenshot­s of the tweet were quickly shared.

The image was later reshared with the plane removed.

The image reminded many social media users of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, in which planes were deliberate­ly flown into the World Trade Center towers in New York and the Pentagon.

A total of 2,977 people were killed. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and Saudi royals have long been accused of complicity in the attack.

The account posted later on Monday that the image had not been intended to refer to 9/11 and apologized for its “inappropri­ate” tweet.

The @infographi­c_ksa account has more than 350,000 followers on Twitter and an additional 88,000 on Instagram.

A website affiliated with the social media account describes it as a “voluntary non-profit project” that is “managed by a group of Saudi youth.”

The accounts, which are followed by a number of Saudi diplomatic figures, are verified and largely share government announceme­nts and pro-Riyadh messages.

The Twitter account has been described as “an official government” account in Saudi-owned state media, although the relationsh­ip to the Saudi state is not clear.

Saudi Arabia had ordered the expulsion of the Canadian envoy, as well as the halt to all new trade and investment deals between the two nations, after Canada said it was “gravely concerned” about recent arrests of activists in Saudi Arabia.

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