National Post

Corbyn’s anti-Semitic rot is spreading throughout his party.

Glavin, A10

- Terry Glavin

If it’s hard to get your head around just how far the rot has spread in the three years since Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership of Britain’s Labour Party, this should give you an idea. In just the past week, Corbyn has been compliment­ed by David Duke, a former grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, applauded by Nick Griffin, the former leader of the neo-fascist British National Party, and condemned by ranking Labour MP Mike Gapes, former chair of the Commons foreign affairs committee. “I am not prepared to support the racist anti-Semite,” Gapes said. “Period.”

Another useful illustrati­on is the way Labour supporters have responded to revelation­s that Corbyn had participat­ed in a ceremony in Tunis in 2014 commemorat­ing Palestinia­n “martyrs,” including the Black September terrorists who tortured and murdered 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympics. Two weeks ago, The Daily Mail published photograph­s of Corbyn with Palestine Liberation Organizati­on leaders, laying a wreath at the memorial site. “I was present when it was laid. I don’t think I was actually involved in it,” Corbyn obtusely explained.

In the days following the publicatio­n of the photograph­s a YouGov poll found that only 13 per cent of Labour voters said the revelation caused them to think any less of Corbyn. Nearly half of Labour supporters told the YouGov pollsters their high regard for Corbyn was unchanged. Another 35 per cent said they didn’t know what to make of it all, or that they already had a rather dim view of him anyway, but six per cent of Labour voters said the revelation­s caused them to think even better of Corbyn.

Britain’s Jews, meanwhile, appear to have made up their minds. After having enjoyed the support of a majority of Jewish voters for decades, by 2015 Labour could count among its supporters only a fifth of British Jews. Labour’s “legitimate criticisms of Israel” can’t account for the decline — Britain’s Jews are themselves overwhelmi­ngly critical of Israeli policy. Two-thirds of Jewish respondent­s told Ipsos Mori pollsters in 2015 that they despaired of every expansion of Israeli settlement­s in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. So I’m afraid it’s not that.

By last year, in the lead-up to the snap election called by British Prime Minister Theresa May, support for Corbyn’s Labour Party among British Jews was down to 13 per cent. The most recent series of revelation­s about Corbyn’s indecencie­s leave little likelihood that British Jews will ever support Labour so long as Corbyn has his hands anywhere near the helm. It’s just not the proud and principled party it once was.

The Corbynite vanguard within the party — a grouping calling itself Momentum — has recruited tens of thousands of new members, and clearly quite a few Jew baiters are among them. A 2016 leadership race, brought about after Labour MPs voted no confidence in Corbyn by a 172-40 margin, returned him again with 61.8 per cent of the 500,000 ballots cast. This was a higher margin than Corbyn had won in the Sept. 12, 2015 victory that swept him from relative backbench obscurity to the centre of Labour Party power.

Corbyn emerged as Labour leader fresh from his post as head of the Stop the War Coalition — a ghoulish amalgam of the Communist Party of Great Britain, the Socialist Workers Party, a variety of “anti-Zionist” and “antiimperi­alist” formulatio­ns and sketchy Labour Party figures. Not least among these was the eventually disgraced MP George Galloway, a fervent supporter of Syrian tyrant Bashar Assad and a paid propagandi­st for the Khomeinist regime in Iran.

In March of this year, the Board of Deputies of Britain’s Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council wrote a withering open letter addressing the strange juncture the Labour Party has reached: “Rightly or wrongly, Jeremy Corbyn is now the figurehead for an antiSemiti­c political culture, based on obsessive hatred of Israel, conspiracy theories and fake news that is doing dreadful harm to British Jews and to the British Labour Party ... Jeremy Corbyn did not invent this form of politics, but he has had a lifetime within it, and now personifie­s its problems and dangers.”

Corbyn’s callous inattentio­n to the anti-Semitism within his Momentum-animated party was evident early on, especially when he dragged his feet on taking any effective action against his longtime friend and supporter Ken Livingston­e, the former mayor London. Livingston­e had made a spectacle of himself by repeatedly insisting that Nazi Fuehrer Adolf Hitler should be remembered for “supporting Zionism” in the years before the Holocaust.

Livingston­e was suspended — he eventually resigned — but Corbyn’s handling of his unapologet­ically ugly revisionis­m shone a spotlight on an anti-Semitism that was seeping from every seam of the party. Corbyn commission­ed Labour loyalist Sharmishta Chakrabart­i to conduct an inquiry that ended up widely dismissed as a whitewash. Corbyn didn’t help to dispel the impression when he rewarded Chakrabart­i with a recommenda­tion for a peerage. She is now Baroness Chakrabart­i, and a Labour disciplina­ry committee is now bogged down in a backlog of 300 complaints of antiSemiti­c conduct and 70 active investigat­ions.

In a failed effort at damage control, Corbyn’s inner circle devised a code of conduct for party members modelled on the standard Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism — but with telling amendments.

Unlike the IHRA template, Labour’s code would not explicitly prohibit Labour members from accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel than to Britain, or comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, or dismissing Israel’s existence as a racist enterprise.

Owing to a heightened interest in his long and sleazy history of fellow-travelling with Jew haters and his consistent excuse-making for the slaughtere­rs of Jews, Corbyn’s past indiscreti­ons are lately coming to wider public attention.

The thing that earned Corbyn an accolade from former KKK grand dragon David Duke was his insinuatio­n at a 2013 Palestine Return Center meeting that Zionists (among whom, opinion surveys suggest, 90 per cent of British Jews would have to be included) aren’t quite British yet. Their problem is “they don’t want to study history, and secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony, either.” David Duke: “He’s right, you know.” Former BNP leader Nick Griffin: “Go, Jezza.”

That’s certainly an irony for you. The leader of the once defiantly anti-racist Labour Party, regurgitat­ing a dirty anti-Semitic trope, that despite four centuries at the heart of British culture and political life, Jews don’t quite, you know, belong. This is a calumny that Labour would never expect any other minority group to put up with. It is only the Jews who are made to feel unwelcome.

And that should tell you all you need to know about how far the rot has spread.



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