National Post



- chLoe LamBert

They do yoga, they’re clad in organic Scandi cotton and they’re the undisputed stars of Instagram — so perhaps it’s not surprising that today’s babies have equally on-trend diets.

The latest baby food blogs and recipe books are filled with fashionabl­e, superhealt­hy ingredient­s such as chia seeds, medjool dates, nut butters and quinoa. With increasing numbers of adults switching to plant-based diets many parents are choosing to raise their babies and children in the same way.

Experts have warned, however, that “clean eating” trends, such as going gluten or dairy-free — with no medical reason — could lead to nutritiona­l deficienci­es in children and set up unhealthy relationsh­ips with food.

In June, researcher­s in France said non-dairy milks were dangerous for babies, in a study of parents who had chosen to replace breast or formula milk with an alternativ­e before their child had reached the age of one.

A third of the children were found to have malnutriti­on. And in recent years there have also been reports of children raised on a vegan diet being admitted to hospital suffering with malnutriti­on. Meal times with a toddler are enough of a battle for most parents so how responsibl­e, or even practical, is it to raise one on such a restrictiv­e regimen?

Karris McCulloch has been vegetarian for most of her adult life, and vegan for six years, said she and her husband wanted their children also to follow a wholly plant-based diet, with no meat, fish or animal products. “There’s a lot of scaremonge­ring about it, and we’re always told that vegans need to be especially careful, but I find that vegans are actually more clued up about nutrition than most,” says Karris, 32, who lives with her husband, Scott and two children Casey, six, and Tyler, two, in Glasgow where they run a food subscripti­on service, The Vegan Kind.

“When my children were born, I was referred to a nutritioni­st because we were vegan, but when I went to the appointmen­t I knew more than she did. “I know how important it is to get protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B12. You can get these plentifull­y in plantbased foods — so we have lots of stir fries, with tofu, which is excellent for calcium and protein, or spaghetti bolognese with a soya mince, and they have soya milk that’s fortified with calcium and things like avocado and nut butters for healthy fats. But we also give a multivitam­in supplement, too, just to make sure. I think if you compared their diets to an average two or sixyear-old, they’d probably be healthier.”

Lizzy Tighe, an artist and mother of four from Herefordsh­ire, raised her children, aged 14, 12, 10 and five, on a largely vegetarian diet and the family went fully vegan 18 months ago. “My children suffer from eczema and asthma and it really helped — you could see a change in their skin,” says Lizzy who blogs about healthy vegan living at Forking Fit.

She also gives her children fortified cereals and milk, and supplement­s. “You do need to do your research, especially with young children, and be prepared to be inventive — you don’t want to be a junk food vegan.”

Growing children have unique dietary requiremen­ts for linear growth, weight gain and the developmen­t of the brain — and it’s now establishe­d that nutrition in the first two years of life is vital for growth potential and programmin­g for disease in later life.

Experts say it’s possible, with advice and planning, to raise children safely on vegetarian and even vegan diets, and increased interest means there’s now a wealth of informatio­n available on how to do it, including on the NHS website. “Until fairly recently, we tended to advise against vegan diets for babies,” says Mary Fewtrell, a professor of paediatric nutrition at University College London. “It can be done, but just not on a whim. Children need to have supplement­s, for example for vitamin B12, as they won’t get their full requiremen­t from food.”

Another concern is simply energy, she says. “Vegetables contain a lot of fibre so if a child is filling up on these, they might not end up consuming enough high calorie, high protein foods.”

Of greater worry, however, is that the fashion for so-called clean eating — restrictin­g or eliminatin­g foods such as gluten and dairy — is being applied by parents to children.

The demonizati­on of these food groups, fuelled by claims by celebritie­s and bloggers, has seen soaring numbers of people cutting them out, often because of a perceived intoleranc­e or al-


This is despite the fact that, beyond celiac disease — an immune response to gluten, affecting around 1 per cent of us — the notion of gluten “intoleranc­e” or “sensitivit­y” has been debunked.

More than half of British people had recently bought a “free from” product, according to a survey in May. Now, even baby and children’s foods are being marketed as gluten- or dairy-free. “We’re certainly seeing adult trends in nutrition and food exclusion starting to translate to children,” says Lucy Upton, a pediatric dietitian at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and spokesman for the British Dietetic Associatio­n. “If you’re cutting out something like gluten, you’re cutting out a huge number of foods, which is going to make life hard.”

The growing interest in exclusion diets among parents seems related to heightened concerns about allergy among the middle classes. A third of British parents now believe their child has a food allergy, according to a 2015 study by allergy specialist­s — yet only one in 20 children would pass a clinical diagnosis. The researcher­s found allergies were much more likely to be reported by parents in affluent areas.

The problem is confused by the fact that allergy does seem to be genuinely increasing in children, says Upton. “Were seeing a rise in true allergy and a rise in parental anxiety — which correspond­s with adults diagnosing themselves with things like gluten intoleranc­e. But we would never recommend excluding anything without good medical reasons.”

Attracting particular controvers­y is cow’s milk protein allergy, which is notoriousl­y difficult to diagnose. It affects up to four per cent of children, and some cases are unequivoca­l — where the child suffers a dramatic reaction with hives, swelling and vomiting, soon after consuming milk. However, some children have a different form known as non-IgE allergy, where the symptoms — patches of eczema, diarrhea, reflux, colic — are more vague and overlap with things seen commonly in healthy babies.

Parenting forums are awash with exhausted parents who report their child’s symptoms improved dramatical­ly as soon as they swapped their milk for a dairy-free alternativ­e.

But while many parents have a long and frustratin­g wait before getting a proper diagnosis, others are mistakenly self-diagnosing an allergy or even have had a doctor misdiagnos­e it in their child. “There’s a paradox where we’re not picking up the right children, but also inappropri­ately cutting out milk in the wrong children,” says Upton.

NHS statistics show prescripti­ons for formula to treat babies with cow’s milk allergy rose by almost 500 per cent in the 10 years to 2016. Part of the problem is parents seeking informatio­n online, she says, which varies in quality. “There are all these nutrition noises in the back of your head, that you might have read online or heard at the antenatal group. Lots of these symptoms can be quite normal, but people are not getting the right advice and are self-diagnosing.”

She says parents should seek medical advice before cutting a major food group out of their child’s diet — and to diagnose allergy, a doctor should take a thorough medical history including any history of allergy in the family. “If you’re not sure, you can try putting them on a milk-free diet for four weeks and see if things get better or not.”

If a child is under one, and has a true cow’s milk allergy, they should have a fortified dairy-free formula milk; breastfeed­ing mothers may also need to remove dairy from their diet.

Aside from the effect on children’s nutrition, experts say the unnecessar­y removal of certain foods from children’s diets can cause youngsters to become anxious.

“If they’re having things whipped out of their hands, what will that do to their wider relationsh­ip with food?” says Upton.

“In a way it can make (children) feel there’s something wrong with them,” adds Fewtrell. “It’s hard enough for parents where children actually do have an allergy, so you want to make sure what you’re doing is necessary.”

Vegan mother Karris McCulloch takes this issue seriously. “I think it’s important to distinguis­h between fads and ethical food choices — a lot of people have jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon because they think it’s healthy or helps you lose weight.

“That’s passing on unhealthy lifestyle choices. Casey is fully aware of the reason we don’t eat meat and dairy — we’ve simplified it and say that we love animals and we don’t need to eat them to be healthy.

“We’ve also tried to teach her that nothing is off limits — so if we’re at a party and she’s offered a sausage roll, I tell her she is free to try it if she wants to.

“We want her to feel she is choosing — forcing anything on a child isn’t right.”

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 ?? GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O FILES ?? Growing children have unique dietary requiremen­ts for linear growth an developmen­t of the brain.
GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O FILES Growing children have unique dietary requiremen­ts for linear growth an developmen­t of the brain.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O FILES ?? Experts say the unnecessar­y removal of certain foods from children’s diets can cause youngsters to become anxious.
GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O FILES Experts say the unnecessar­y removal of certain foods from children’s diets can cause youngsters to become anxious.

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