National Post


‘I won’t be intimidate­d,’ Kavanaugh says

- Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick and Jonathan Lemire in Washington

Denouncing his accusers for launching “smears, pure and simple,” Brett Kavanaugh said Monday he’ll continue fighting for Senate confirmati­on to the Supreme Court, even as Republican­s battled to prevent a second woman’s assertion of a long-ago sexual assault from derailing his nomination.

“I will not be intimidate­d into withdrawin­g from the process,” Kavanaugh wrote in a letter to leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The co-ordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out.”

Hours earlier, President Donald Trump led the defence of his embattled nominee against the latest allegation of sexual misconduct, calling the accusation­s against Kavanaugh “totally political.”

The combative tone by Kavanaugh and Trump came a day after a second allegation emerged. That accusation, in a report by The New Yorker magazine, pushed the White House and Senate Republican­s onto the defensive and fuelled calls from Democrats for further investigat­ion.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, called for the “immediate postponeme­nt” of any further action on Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Trump, at the United Nations for his second General Assembly meeting, called the allegation­s unfair and unsubstant­iated, made by accusers who come “out of the woodwork.” He also questioned the political motivation­s of the attorneys representi­ng the women, saying “you should look into the lawyers doing the representa­tion.”

On Kavanaugh, Trump stressed: “I am with him all the way.”

The new accusation landed late Sunday in a report from The New Yorker, just a few hours after negotiator­s had reached an agreement to hold an extraordin­ary public hearing Thursday for Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.

Ford accuses him of sexually assaulting her at a party when they were teenagers.

Kavanaugh denies the accusation.

The second claim against Kavanaugh dates to the 198384 academic year, which was his first at Yale University. Deborah Ramirez described the incident after being contacted by The New Yorker magazine. She recalled that Kavanaugh exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.

Republican­s on the Senate Judiciary Committee said they would investigat­e Ramirez’s accusation.

The New Yorker said the allegation came to the attention of Democratic senators through a civil rights lawyer.

Ramirez was reluctant at first to speak publicly “partly because her memories contained gaps because she had been drinking at the time of the alleged incident,” The New Yorker reported. After “six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollecti­ons” to speak publicly, the report said.

The Associated Press tried reaching Ramirez at her home in Boulder, Colo. She posted a sign on her front door, indicating she would have no comment.

Joining the maelstrom, Michael Avenatti, the attorney representi­ng porn actress Stormy Daniels in her legal fight with Trump, claimed to represent a woman with informatio­n about high school-era parties attended by Kavanaugh and urged the Senate to investigat­e. Avenatti said he will disclose his client’s identity in the coming days and that she is prepared to testify before the committee, as well as provide names of corroborat­ing witnesses.

A White House official not authorized to speak publicly questioned the accusation­s coming from Avenatti’s client, saying that the presence of the high-profile attorney — who has publicly taken on Trump and is weighing a 2020 Democratic presidenti­al bid — makes the proceeding­s a “circus.”

The accusation from Ramirez raises the stakes further for a dramatic showdown Thursday, as Kavanaugh and Ford testify in public about an incident she characteri­zes as attempted rape — and that he says simply never happened.

The White House is approachin­g Ford’s potential testimony with trepidatio­n, nervous an emotional appearance might not just damage Kavanaugh’s chances but could further energize female voters to turn out against Republican­s in November.

Still, the White House and Republican­s have cast doubt on Ford’s allegation­s. The Judiciary panel said it had talked to three other people whom Ford has told The Washington Post were at the party where the alleged assault took place — Mark Judge, Patrick J. Smyth and Leland Ingham Keyser. All three told investigat­ors that they had no recollecti­on of the evening in question, the committee said.

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