National Post

Canada has edge in lobster industry

CETA deal is phasing out European tariffs

- Tom Blackwell

Canada may be getting beaten up at the NAFTA talks in Washington, but off the east coast, it is enjoying something of a free-trade coup.

This country’s trade accord with Europe has given the Canadian lobster industry a sudden leg-up on American competitor­s in the lucrative market, adding to alarm in the U.S. lobster world over retaliator­y tariffs from China.

As European duties start to come off the crustacean­s, Canada is gaining a price edge ranging from six to 20 per cent over shellfish from the United States, prompting the American industry and a prominent member of Congress to press the U.S. government for help.

“The Canada-EU agreement puts American lobster exporters at a serious disadvanta­ge,” Maine Sen. Susan Collins warned in a column last month. “Unlike the Canadians, our exporters face tariffs … to sell into the European Union, which until recently was a very strong market.”

Collins raised the issue with U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer when he appeared before the Senate finance committee in July.

Lighthizer said then he was addressing the issue. But Canada’s European lobster advantage seems to underline the benefits of multilater­al free-trade accords, which President Donald Trump has often treated with suspicion.

“I know it’s been positive, and I know we are selling more in markets where we weren’t competitiv­e before,” said Geoff Irvine, executive director of the Lobster Council of Canada.

“With all the trade disruption­s we’ve seen, you need to have a very diversifie­d portfolio of places you sell. And the more places we can sell that have free trade, the better.”

Lobsters are Canada’s biggest fisheries sector, with exports worth about $2.1 billion a year, said Irvine.

Europe charges tariffs ranging from six per cent on frozen whole lobster, to eight per cent on fresh lobster, and 20 per cent on processed lobster.

The live-lobster duty has already been dropped for Canada under the Comprehens­ive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), while the other levies are being phased out over three to five years.

The impact is being felt by U.S. producers, who until recently sold about $200 million worth of lobster in European countries, or 15 to 20 per cent of their exports, according to Collins. Maine accounts for 80 per cent of the American catch.

“That’s huge,” John Norton of Cozy Harbor Seafood in Portland, Me., said about the duty advantage the Canadians won.

“It’s dented (U.S. sales) pretty well. It’s a significan­t issue for all of the lobster industry in Maine.”

The Maine Lobster Dealers Associatio­n brought their concerns to Lighthizer’s office in June, but the situation has worsened since then with China’s retaliatio­n against the initial round of American tariffs.

The 25-per-cent levy it slapped on U.S. lobster is underminin­g what had been a growing Chinese market, worth $137 million last year.

But if Canada’s lobstermen are enjoying their edge in Europe, they’re not looking to take advantage of the China situation, said Irvine, noting that processors and dealers often buy lobster from both sides of the border.

“We work very much in sync with the Americans,” said Irvine. “It’s very much back and forth, and we like it that way and they like it that way.”

Norton argued that even in Europe, Canada’s success is limited, since the prices it receives have stayed level as buyers take all the benefit of the tariff reductions.

Still, he admitted that losing market share there means the U.S. industry must spend money and effort to find customers elsewhere.

“The European market, I would say, is stable, it is establishe­d, it is mature,” said Irvine. “You choose a stable, mature market all day long over one that you don’t know yet or you’re trying to develop.”

Even that benefit, though, may be transitory. The recently struck U.S. free-trade deal with South Korea will erase Canada’s competitiv­e lobster advantage there, and the same could eventually happen in Europe, Irvine acknowledg­ed.

 ?? ANDREW VAUGHAN / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? “The Canada-EU agreement puts American lobster exporters at a serious disadvanta­ge,” Maine Sen. Susan Collins warned in a recent column.
ANDREW VAUGHAN / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES “The Canada-EU agreement puts American lobster exporters at a serious disadvanta­ge,” Maine Sen. Susan Collins warned in a recent column.

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