National Post

Q&A with Jennifer Keesmaat


Jennifer Keesmaat is former Chief Planner at the City of Toronto, and a candidate in the 2018 Toronto mayoral election. She spoke with Mediaplane­t about transit and infrastruc­ture in the city.

Mediaplane­t How important is infrastruc­ture to facilitati­ng Toronto’s prosperity and growth?

Jennifer Keesmaat Infrastruc­ture is the foundation of modern societies. It is central to allowing cities to grow and accommodat­e new people in a livable way. This means infrastruc­ture in the broadest sense — everything from transit to sewage pipes, to roads and sidewalks, to schools and community amenities. If you take any of those elements away, we compromise our quality of life and our access to clean air and water.

The challenge is that as our cities grow at a significan­t rate, we have to keep up in delivering that infrastruc­ture. We can’t just play catch up. We have to get out ahead of the growth and provide the infrastruc­ture we need. That’s often been a challenge, mostly due to our funding arrangemen­ts.

Mediaplane­t What specific proposals do you have to improve transit in Toronto?

Jennifer Keesmaat We need to add excellent transit in every corner of the city, and get away from a patchwork approach. People often ask me whether I’m for subways or LRT. The answer is both – we need different kinds of infrastruc­ture in different parts of the city, and we need to continuous­ly advance a whole variety of different components to fill the gap in our existing transit network.

That means expanding our LRT network, our bus rapid transit network, and building out our subway network – the key priority being the relief line extension to the north and west. The underpinni­ng of this is a recognitio­n that one of the biggest constraint­s to growth is how people are going to move in this city going forward. The physics of everyone moving in a car just doesn’t work, and dense urban places need higher ordered transit. It’s essential to a sustainabl­e, livable, and equitable city where everyone can access jobs and employment.

Mediaplane­t What role can the public-private partnershi­p (P3) model play in infrastruc­ture developmen­t?

Jennifer Keesmaat Because there’ s so much that we need to do when it comes to infrastruc­ture, we need as many players as possible that have an expertise in building transit infrastruc­ture. The same is the case for housing: we have a tremendous amount of expertise in the city across sectors, and we need to bring all of that to the table to facilitate the massive campaign of constructi­on that needs to take place.

Whatever model we embrace, the public interest has to come first. If you look at the Waterfront in Toronto, we’ve built and planned ambitious projects, but we need the transit infrastruc­ture. We’re significan­tly behind, and there’s a large amount we need to build. We need to work collaborat­ively across sectors, while always protecting the public interest.

Mediaplane­t One key issue is a lack of affordable rental housing. You founded a P3, the Creative Housing Society, to address that. How do we fix this lack of affordable rental housing in Toronto?

Jennifer Keesmaat Historical­ly, our competitiv­e advantage has been that young people, entreprene­urs, and immigrants from elsewhere can come to this city and quickly get a foothold. Today, that is highly compromise­d by a lack of access to affordable rental housing. I’ve put forward a plan to build, over 10 years, 100,000 units of affordable rental housing at 80 percent of the average market rent. We can do this by unlocking city-owned land such as onestorey subway stations and Green P parking lots. We need to unlock that land to deliver on the public interest, ensuring that there’s housing for everyone in the city — young people in particular.

“As our cities grow at a significan­t rate, we have to keep up in delivering infrastruc­ture. We can’t just play catch up.”

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