National Post



After CBC aired Wendy Mesley’s interview with People’s Party leader Maxime Bernier on The Weekly on Sunday evening, former National Post editor Ken Whyte tweeted this appalled analysis:

If you want to see why the CBC’s ratings continue to tank and why so many people in Canada have trouble trusting it and attribute to it a political agenda, watch the Wendy Mesley “interview” of (Maxime) Bernier. …

Right from the start you know it’s going to be more slur than interview: the first image is a picture of Bernier under the label “mad max.” …

and then in the introducti­on it makes a big deal of the dress his former girlfriend wore to a swearing-in ceremony, as if that has any relevance to what he’s doing now -- and since when did slut-shaming become CBC news practice? Jesus. …

Then Wendy ties herself in knots trying to describe

Bernier’s ideology. He’s libertaria­n, she says, which is “a form of conservati­sm,” which will be news to leftlibert­arians and libertaria­n socialists. …

She then mashes up libertaria­nism, conservati­sm, populism into one big insurgency responsibl­e for Trump and Brexit and changing government­s in Brazil and elsewhere, all of it being organized and fuelled by billionair­es and big corporatio­ns. …

I could have sworn a lot of the big corporatio­ns and billionair­es were against Brexit, and that a lot of billionair­es were behind Hillary, too, and that there are “vast influence networks” on both sides of the political divide, but you wouldn’t guess that listening to Wendy. …

She then connects dots from the evil Koch brothers to the Atlas Foundation to a couple of Canadian think tanks — Fraser and Montreal Economic Institute — and suggests they are about to infiltrate Canada thru their dummy, Bernier …

a bit of research would have told Wendy there is foreign money all over our politics. Then, bizarrely, she says Fraser Institute has received “hundreds of thousands in donations” from Atlas. Does she mean dollars? Not clear, and she don’t care so long as it sounds bad …

She forgets to mention that there are legal limitation­s on political participat­ion by all think tanks in Canada. She next says that Bernier’s admiration of Ron Paul makes him a magnet for bigots. Are you a bigot Max? You sure? No, really, you sure? …

Not only can Wendy not handle the ideas or the questions, she can’t handle Bernier’s answers. She cuts him off and reinterpre­ts what he says to try to fit him into this pre-determined view of him as a bigoted tool of a global right-wing/populist/libertaria­n insurgency …

And through it all she wears this weak, insincere, pasted-on smile to mask her condescens­ion and contempt for Bernier, her deepseated fear of ideas and intellectu­al engagement, and her determinat­ion to ensure viewers know ideas are louche, racist, foreign, and dangerous …

I’m not a Bernier supporter. I don’t really know what he’s about yet and I don’t think he does either, but I would appreciate it if she’d let him speak. …

I’ve been a CBC supporter but performanc­es like this and (Rosemary) Barton’s of a couple weeks ago betray arrogance, a massive deteriorat­ion of journalist­ic standards, and scorn for a huge part of Canada (people who don’t share the values of the CBC newsroom). It’s becoming a menace

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