National Post

Trade fight exposes the ‘us vs. them’ approach with farmers.


The city didn’t respond the way I thought it would. It was 2013 and I had just written an article on a Manitoba community getting its first liquor store. A big step for a conservati­ve, religious community — I thought. The article took a historic approach to the town, its immigratio­n patterns, its attitudes and its polarized position on alcohol.

I thought it was balanced, accurate and interestin­g. I believed that any community, no matter how small or large, would appreciate a self-critical, introspect­ive look at its own thoughts, beliefs and bylaws.

It wasn’t received this way. It was the kind of piece that left an off-flavour in the mouths of many of the community’s residents. Those in favour of the liquor store didn’t want to be associated with those who weren’t. And those not in favour felt their position was misreprese­nted and trivialize­d.

I’m the same way: when I’m confident, I’m able to realize how accidental life and its successes are — how the person on the street struggling to make ends meet and I are only separated by an unpredicta­ble calamity or two. I can be selfcritic­al and aware of the conditions that have moulded me.

When I’m not confident, I overcompen­sate and work hard to differenti­ate myself from those less fortunate. I become defensive and protection­ist.

Many small communitie­s are like this. They have endured criticism and are used to operating fiscally, socially, religiousl­y and politicall­y as if most interactio­ns outside their local boundaries can be reduced to us vs. them.

In many respects, Canada’s farming/rural community has become this way, too. It has become accustomed to a public that doesn’t trust its actions, trivialize­s its beliefs and considers us a homogenous group.

We’re not confident right now. We are defensive and protection­ist, a point exacerbate­d when the federal government starts playing with institutio­ns like supply management and the headlines read some version of, “Farmers will be hurt by USMCA.”

Who are these farmers? There are more than 190,000 farms in Canada, each one with its own boss and its own way of operating. To say we will be hurt is to expose a deep misunderst­anding many people in a leadership position have toward rural life and agricultur­e.

And for those affected, it’s a hard pill to swallow for the concession to supply management to come at the hand of an idealist government that, historical­ly, does not see eye to eye with Canada’s agricultur­al community. A government that reduces farmers to the brutes in the room instead of the people who are at the leading edge of food production, food research and who, in many ways, are leading the conversati­on surroundin­g how it is we’re going to sustainabl­y meet the demands of a growing and hungry world.

Canadian farmers are guilty of viewing their government through an us vs. them lens. And, arguably, vice versa. When in reality, we’re much more dynamic and nuanced than that. And so are our leaders.

One of my last columns for Financial Post dredged up some differing attitudes toward rural dwellers. While some agreed that it’s not fair to assume all those who choose to live along gravel roads are the same, others took it a telling step further by differenti­ating themselves from those who do.

Farmers need the confidence of the public and of their government­s. Then and only then will we be in a place to introspect, self-criticize and work together to advance the food sector, both in Canada and through its trading partners around the world.

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