National Post

Carbon tax a line in the sand


Re: Why Time is wrong, Rex Murphy, Dec. 29.

Nice to see journalist­s called out for their part in the climate change/carbon tax folly. It’s not enough that the greenest thing on earth, CO2, is framed for ecocide, but we are to be taxed for it. It’s not enough that those of us in Ontario are already effectivel­y paying the highest carbon taxes in the world thanks to the Ontario Liberals’ Green Energy Act, we must pay more.

Since we human beings exhale CO2, can a tax on breathing be far away?

The carbon tax should be seen as a line in the sand for taxpayers. If we can’t stop the government from this folly, what does that say about us and our democracy?

Bruce Johnston. Toronto

Rex Murphy is one of the very best and one of the few real Journalist­s left in our increasing­ly politicize­d media. He so succinctly captures the state of our so-called Freedom of the Press: “Much of contempora­ry journalism does not report on the game. It sees itself as part of the game.”

The mainstream media should be undergoing a soul searching regarding the future of the Fourth Estate which is less and less trusted. The problem in Canada is made worse because the government essentiall­y owns the largest player in the game. We are on the slippery slope toward an Orwellian world where propaganda is proffered as news. Increasing­ly the public is not buying it. That’s why we need more Rex Murphy and less fake

news, Canadians know the difference.

M.P. Sheehy, Guelph Ont.

Rex Murphy’s recent column regarding Time magazine’s choice of journalist­s as “persons of the year” reminds us that journalist­s, and in particular columnists, must sing for their supper. Rex has found a particular trough to wallow in and it will feed him well into his dotage. How he can suggest that calling to task on a daily basis a world leader who blatantly lies on a daily basis is unfair and biased media coverage, is disingenuo­us to say the least.

Rex indicates that journalist­s should not be lauded as the “heroes of our time,” indirectly denigratin­g the excellent work of National Post writers such as Andrew

Coyne and Christie Blatchford, to name just a few. As for the rest? All I can say Rex, is that if the shoe fits ...

Paul Morrissey, London Ont.

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