National Post

‘Clumsy’ —


“How bad is it?” “How bad is it …? Well, I hear they’re planning a second trip to India. With brighter costumes and longer dances. That’s how bad. To kick it off they’re going to rename the Rideau River ‘Ganges West.’ ” — Mutterings from the Glebe rumour mill

Equipoise (n.): a perfect balance of forces.

We are in a rare moment in Canadian politics, a moment of equipoise. It’s rare because equipoise, even in the state of nature is, at least, infrequent. But in politics, it’s a once-in-a-century event when a lone backbench member of Parliament who is, crucially in this case, both female and Aboriginal, holds a power potentiall­y on par with the prime minister.

It is of course Jody Wilson Raybould who is this phoenix, and it may be of use to outline why, and how, she has come to own such centrality.

Mainly because her prime minister, Mr. Trudeau, through clumsiness, inadverten­ce and possibly malice, has bestowed it upon her. To begin, all stems from Scott Brison’s flight to a job at BMO, triggering the fatal cabinet shuffle that abruptly banished “Jody” (as the prime minister prefers to call her) from the highest position an Aboriginal woman has ever achieved in cabinet — justice minister and attorney general — to veterans affairs, a portfolio badly mauled and mismanaged by Mr. Trudeau’s friend and colleague, Seamus O’Regan.

Then on the heels of Globe and Mail revelation­s about the SNC-Lavalin affair, the series of ever-evolving slippery rationaliz­ations for why she was demoted — variously equivocati­ng, self-contradict­ory, rude, insulting and completely one-sided — has deeply offended Canadians’ sense of elementary fairness.

Among these, the most dangerous was Mr. Trudeau, as this affair reached full boil, fastening on that “she was still in cabinet” as proof all was well, nothing to see here. The lethal formulatio­n given was “the fact she’s still in cabinet speaks for itself.”

Within hours of that comment, Ms. Wilson-Raybould was not in cabinet. She resigned. Ten thousand laptops tapped in unison “well then, her resignatio­n speaks even louder.” And all of them were right.

The very key, however, was that during all the prime minister’s soliloquie­s, random press briefings and changing storylines, his “victim,” the lone female Aboriginal MP, bound still by the solicitor-client privilege of a former attorney general, was forced to be silent.

The treatment of Ms. Wilson-Raybould put a big, bold, strike-through line on the absolute core elements of the Trudeau brand. It crisscross­ed so many cardinal Trudeau pretension­s it was almost enough to tempt belief in trendy “intersecti­onality.” (Almost.)

It had been vowed that, in the sun-drenched days of a male-feminist Justin Trudeau administra­tion, women would be treated better, more respectful­ly and above all fairer than in all the Neandertha­l darkness that preceded it. Mr. Trudeau branded himself as the feminist-equity principle made flesh. Athena herself in pinstripes.

Skipping past the prelude of the recently surfaced groping allegation­s from before he was prime minister, Mr. Trudeau’s treatment of Jody Wilson-Raybould, far from being a milestone of modern male-feminist sensitivit­y, could have been hauled out of a script for Married with Children.

It simply has not been fair. He can speak and has spoken many times. She can’t, and hasn’t. Unfair. He characteri­zes her motivation­s. He tells of conversati­ons with her. And has done so with full knowledge that she is bound to silence, and he knows it is unfair. How unfair? Even some of his most loyal feminist allies have reached for that demon-phrase: “Harper level unfair.”

Farewell, male-feminist halo.

But of all the issues this prime minister has boasted of being closest to his heart, surpassing even feminist equity, the most “moral” of them all is Aboriginal relations. This, as he has said, is why he is in politics. On this file, most central to Canada’s moral integrity, he was going to be the leader.

You may listen to the chorus of Aboriginal leaders, the near-rage of Ms. Wilson-Raybould’s father, and voices within Mr. Trudeau’s party and even cabinet, to see where that pretension lies now. The Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs has called upon the prime minister “to condemn the racist and sexist innuendo about Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould that is being spread by unnamed elected officials and staff of your government.” A furious op-ed from other prominent Aboriginal­s catches the tone of the tactics deployed in a blistering characteri­zation as “practising character assassinat­ion … (which has) cost us the first Indigenous female justice minister.”

What Mr. Trudeau promised most to advance, he has most set back. It has been shown that how Mr. Trudeau speaks and poses on feminism and Aboriginal concerns when nothing’s at play, and how he acts on them when his own interests are at stake, are two banks of an Amazon wide river. The torrent rushing between them are the waters of hypocrisy.

If it is possible, the external factors in this matter — those beyond the immediate circumstan­ces of Ms. Wilson-Raybould and SNC-Lavalin — go even deeper to the fate of this government. They hinge on the sacrosanct concept of the “rule of law.”

The SNC-Lavalin case, the heavy lobbying preceding the insertion of deferred prosecutio­n agreements into the omnibus Budget bill, the Liberal eunuchs of the justice committee preparing to call nearly everyone BUT the former justice minister herself, the absolute centre of the matter — do not all of these factors and more put unbearable strain on this government’s high claims of stringentl­y adhering to the rule of law? That standard, so lately lauded and mightily invoked, as an absolute in a near-equal crisis, the Meng Wanzhou case?

Jody Wilson-Raybould’s fate here intersects brutally with the government’s high moral defence of the arrest. If Canada was a shuttlecoc­k between the world’s two great powers before, how we are going to be buffeted now is painful to contemplat­e. The Beijing media will probably declare a second Chinese New Year over this mess.

And is there not simultaneo­usly the preliminar­y hearing of the Admiral Norman case, with its question of one rule for the admiral, another for every other leaker? Rule of law is being tested there too.

At the cabinet level, at the national level, at the internatio­nal level, this matter spirals out and intersects with the predominan­t themes and issues of the entire Trudeau administra­tion and its key component, Mr. Trudeau’s personal brand.

And so, we are back to the rare instance of equipoise. This is a Samson-clutching-the-pillars-of-the-arena moment for the Trudeau government.

Ms. Wilson-Raybould’s silence has been her great handicap. So far. By taking unfair advantage of that silence and issuing so many definitive characteri­zations of her conduct, Mr. Trudeau has supremely elevated the drama of the moment when she decides, or is released, to give her version. This will be (pace Baghdad Bob) the Mother of All Press Conference­s. People will turn off hockey to watch and listen when Ms. Wilson-Raybould speaks.

And, conditiona­l on what she has to reveal, to counter-assert, or challenge what her prime minister has said, the election that will take place on the 21st of October may be settled in the grey midweeks of February.

The irony at play here is massive. The great power this former justice minister has accumulate­d flows utterly from the treatment that the government of Justin Trudeau has afforded her. Her words could cut to the very centre of the government’s credibilit­y.

And whatever she says, the soft, vague, virtue-spouting brand of a sunshine government is mired beyond repair or redemption.

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