National Post

PM, Liberals keep making things worse


More than a full week after the SNC-Lavalin scandal erupted all over the Trudeau government, what’s most astonishin­g is how the federal Liberals haven’t even been able to yet settle on a coherent cover story — a “narrative,” as the political jargon would call it. The alleged acts are bad enough: pressuring former justice minister and attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould to quietly nudge prosecutor­s toward giving Quebec-based, Liberal-friendly SNC-Lavalin a break in an ongoing criminal prosecutio­n for corruption charges, and then demoting her into a lesser portfolio when she refused. The manifest incompeten­ce of the government’s response to the growing controvers­y is somehow more disturbing.

Let’s start with the whisper campaign that immediatel­y began against Wilson-Raybould. A bevy of anonymous Liberal insiders have been spreading the word to any journalist who’ll listen that she was just a pain to work with. It was all about “Jody,” not about the government. She was difficult. Not a team player. The whispers, no doubt co-ordinated by the Prime Minister’s Office in a hamfisted attempt to control a disastrous story, resulted in a remarkable statement of support for Wilson-Raybould from another member of Trudeau’s cabinet this week: Jane Philpott, former minister of health and Indigenous services and now head of the Treasury Board. Her comments weren’t about the substance of the scandal per se; she tweeted a photo of her and Wilson-Raybould smiling, thanked her for having “taught me so much” and said she was “proud of the laws we worked on together” and that she knows “you will continue to serve Canadians.” But they were clearly an expression of support for Wilson-Raybould and, by clearly praising her work and public service, a vigorous rebuke to the stories being planted about Wilson-Raybould’s supposed selfishnes­s.

Once the slagging of Wilson-Raybould had brought enough widespread criticism over their clearly sexist and probably racist tone (attacking a strong, highly accomplish­ed female Aboriginal for being too full of herself — how classy), the prime minister finally condemned them. “There have been many comments published in the media in various reports, about the former attorney general, about Jody Wilson-Raybould, that are absolutely unacceptab­le,” he said on Friday. “The sexist comments, the racist comments that have been made by anonymous sources are unacceptab­le and I condemn them in the strongest possible terms. That is not what we need to be engaged in, in public discourse in Canada.”

It was an appropriat­e response. But how odd that it took a full six days after Liberal insiders had planted the slanderous stories for our supposedly feminist and progressiv­e prime minister to finally say that.

This was far from the only misstep the prime minister had this week. On Monday, under questionin­g from reporters, Trudeau assured Canadians that the matter was overblown. The fact that Wilson-Raybould continued to serve in cabinet during the controvers­y, he said, showed that the public was overreacti­ng, and that Wilson-Raybould was comfortabl­e continuing to serve in his government. Whoops.

She quit hours later, leaving Trudeau to gamely suggest the next day that he was disappoint­ed she hadn’t spoken up if she’d felt uncomforta­ble. Ah, at least he made sure to keep blaming her and her alone.

Things did not improve for the Liberals as the week went on. The opposition tried to force a meaningful investigat­ion through the Commons justice committee, but were effectivel­y stonewalle­d by the Liberal majority, who declined to invite the key players to testify — most notably Wilson-Raybould herself and the prime minister’s principal secretary, Gerald Butts, who had privately discussed the SNC Lavalin case with Wilson-Raybould. The committee may later elect to call either or both of those individual­s, but only after closed-door meetings and only if at least one Liberal breaks with the majority to vote with the opposition. Canadians will learn as much about this federal Liberal scandal, in other words, as the federal Liberals choose. Chalk up another win for Canada’s Most Transparen­t Government Ever.

The disgraces didn’t stop there. Liberal MP Anthony Housefathe­r, chair of the justice committee, gave a series of interviews where he suggested, apparently without having given the notion the slightest thought, that Wilson-Raybould was bounced from justice because she doesn’t speak French. That was a curious message to send the thousands of francophon­e Canadians who have honourably served in our country’s armed forces — including in our traditiona­lly French-speaking units — by suggesting that Veterans Affairs is a portfolio suitable for dumping ministers whose French doesn’t quite pass muster. Housefathe­r quickly retreated, saying his comments were speculatio­n and he apologized for them. But then the prime minister later suggested that Wilson-Raybould wouldn’t have been moved if Scott Brison hadn’t recently resigned from politics, requiring a cabinet shuffle. While it’s true that Brison’s departure made a shuffle necessary, it was not necessary to specifical­ly shuffle Wilson-Raybould; Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Environmen­t Minister Catherine McKenna somehow managed to hang on to their jobs. (Amusingly, shortly after the prime minister’s comment, Brison’s husband tweeted, “It’s ok, I usually blame my husband for everything too.”)

It’s become a truism in politics that it’s not the crime but the coverup that typically does a government in. Maybe so. But if this is a coverup, it is almost criminally incompeten­t. The alleged offence is bad enough. The aftermath is embarrassi­ng.


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