National Post

Runaway Bride defines the career of Julia Roberts unlike any of her other films

If you look for it, Runaway Bride gives us insight into why Julia Roberts remains America’s sweetheart Chris Hanna


Throughout the year, the National Post will be running a weekly series celebratin­g the films that made 1999 one of cinema’s highwater marks. We continue this week with Runaway Bride, the Julia Roberts rom-com that comes closest to explaining the seemingly everlastin­g appeal of America’s sweetheart.

On a recent first date, I spent 10 minutes recounting the plot to My Best Friend’s Wedding to a man who’d never seen it. We went out a few more times after that, but it didn’t work out. It couldn’t. I was eight years old when I saw the movie in theatres with my sister and my mom. I’ll never forget my mom wincing when Cameron Diaz called Julia Roberts a bitch. Yes, she was portraying the villain of the film, but Julia Roberts is not to be the target of anyone’s malice. Needless to say, my love runs deep for America’s sweetheart. It’s in my blood. Nineteen-ninety-nine was a year unlike any other for Roberts. A decade after her breakthrou­gh performanc­e in Pretty Woman and two years since My Best Friend’s Wedding, audiences were further endeared by the ubiquitous name, face, smile and laugh of Roberts in Notting Hill. In the rom-com canon movie, she played “the most famous film star in the world” who falls in love with a simple bookshop owner (Hugh Grant). It was the perfect role for a perfect star.

But any Roberts fan could wax poetically about Notting Hill. What I’m writing about is the unfairly maligned — and completely charming — Runaway Bride, which also came out that same magical year. In Runaway Bride, Roberts is Maggie Carpenter, a seemingly normal smalltown hardware store owner who minds her own business and lives her life. She wears overalls and has a loving best friend (Joan Cusack) and fiancé (Christophe­r Meloni). However, we soon learn about a sordid past. She has earned the nickname “runaway bride” for leaving three men at the altar. Her peculiar story catches the attention of big-time New York City newspaper columnist Ike Graham, played by Richard Gere (reunion!), who writes about it after one of Maggie’s scorned exes tells him part of the story at a bar. Ike is later fired by his editor (Rita Wilson — ‘90s casting!) for making parts of the story up and greatly embellishi­ng other aspects. Naturally, he decides to go to Maggie’s small town to try to get a scoop before the next planned nuptials. Hijinks ensue in classic rom-com style. There’s the fish-out-of-water bits of a big-city man acclimatiz­ing to small-town friendline­ss (and nosiness). Then there’s the fact that Maggie wants to exact revenge on Ike. She gets her best friend, the town hairdresse­r, to paint his hair green, pink and blue. She gets him fired in the first place by writing a stern letter outlining all of his story’s inaccuraci­es. She even gives him a hard time when he tries to get to the bottom of what really happens when she tries to walk down those aisles. But then there’s also the slow warming to each other. He figures out that there’s much more to her than merely being a runaway bride, and she is stunned by his astute observatio­ns about her and her life. When her family toasts — roasts, really — her at her rehearsal dinner, he defends her: “May you find yourselves the bullseye of an easy target … And may your noses be rubbed in all of your mistakes.”

Roberts often portrays characters who get by on a mixture of charm and wit. When we think of one of her performanc­es, we tend to remember “her” trademarks: the aforementi­oned face, smile and laugh. When Ike points out the hidden depths of Maggie, he is ultimately allowing us to discover the secret extent of Roberts’s talent. Her characters are, yes, made charming by her surface appeal, but they’re also astute, strong women, even when they’re vulnerable, weak or wrong — or downright villainous (there’s no more shocking revelation than watching My Best Friend’s Wedding as an adult and realizing that Roberts is, in fact, the bad guy). The premise of Runaway Bride is that her character is such a people-pleaser, she can’t help but turn proposals down, even if she can’t go through with it in the end. Her best friend even forgives her for flirting with her husband: “I think sometimes you just sort of spaz out with random excess flirtation energy and it just lands on anything male that moves.”

That’s Maggie’s power, but it’s also Roberts’s. She has so much charm, she can’t help it if men — and moviegoers — fall in love with her. But what Runaway Bride reveals is that there is always more to a Julia Roberts performanc­e than meets the eye. The irony here is that, of the two Roberts movies that came out in 1999, it’s the one in which she isn’t playing an actress that says more about her career — and why it is we continue to love every appearance she makes.

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