National Post

Anti-semitism at toronto-area high school


- — KAY Barbara Kay

As part of a recent weeklong “social justice” program, pro-palestinia­n students at Stephen Lewis Secondary School in the Toronto area’s Peel district mounted a banner in a school hallway, reading, “If animal testing is NOT OKAY … Then why is human testing OKAY?” The banner was also displayed on social media.

The cryptic message refers to two widely circulated anti-semitic myths: that Israel subjects Palestinia­n prisoners to pharmaceut­ical experiment­s as part of their military agenda; and that Israel harvests organs from Palestinia­n prisoners.

These accusation­s are “blood libels,” which throughout history have led to extreme violence against Jews, and represent anti-semitism in its most abhorrent verbal form. In medieval times, individual Jews were accused of draining the blood of Christian children to bake into their Passover matzo. The contempora­ry transfer of evil to a vampiric Jewish state reflects the evolution of anti-semitism from its religious focus, no longer tolerated in polite society, to a political platform; Israel-bashing is often well tolerated as a conduit for Jew hatred.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) immediatel­y contacted the Peel district School Board (PDSB), which said it would “look into it,” but the poster stayed up for the duration of the program. On Twitter, PDSB finally promised a “full investigat­ion,” apologizin­g for the delay in removing the banner, and acknowledg­ing the “hurt and harm the class project has caused the Jewish community.”

Hate speech is often based in a kernel of truth. In the 1990s, under the direction of pathologis­t dr. yehuda Hiss of Israel’s Abu Kabir forensic unit, specialist­s harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the corpses of Israeli soldiers, as well as from deceased Jewish and Arab citizens, without relatives’ permission. In an investigat­ion, Hiss admitted his culpabilit­y, and was removed from his post. This informal and unethical practice, never official policy, ended before 2000. No living person, let alone Palestinia­n prisoners, was ever at risk. All organ harvesting in Israel is done according to the same stringent standards Canada follows.

The prisoners-as-guinea-pigs motif is a favourite of militant Israel-haters. In July 1997, then-israeli Speaker of the Knesset dalia Itzik was falsely alleged to have stated that the Israeli Minister of Health had given pharmaceut­ical firms permits to test new drugs on prison inmates, and that 5,000 tests had already been carried out. Palestinia­n Media Watch (PMW) reported on this ongoing libel in 2008, with a quote from Itzik’s office: “Knesset Speaker Itzik never made the statements attributed to her. Knesset Speaker

Itzik is certain that incidents of this kind do not occur in Israel; this is not how Israel conducts itself.”

It is thanks to PMW and its constant monitoring of Palestinia­n media that one can see how these blood libels endure and spread. They run rampant, for example, on Al-hayat al-jadida, the official daily newspaper of the Palestinia­n Authority, as one might expect in a region where the Protocols of the elders of Zion, an outlandish but persistent anti-semitic conspiracy theory of a world controlled by Jews, is widely accepted as received truth. More disturbing­ly, the Swedish newspaper, Aftonblade­t, perpetuate­d the falsehood that Palestinia­ns had been killed for their organs. Israel demanded Sweden condemn the blood libel, but it refused on freedom of speech grounds, shamefully enabling further proliferat­ion of the canard.

The pharmaceut­icals red herring, as well as another libel — that Israel uses Palestinia­ns as weapons-testing guinea pigs — can be traced back to one individual: Nadera Shalhoub-kevorkian.

Shalhoub-kevorkian is an Israeli, a Palestinia­n professor of law at Hebrew University, whose research “focuses on law, society and crimes of abuse of power.” In February, she gave a lecture at Columbia University, titled “disturbing Spaces — Violent Technologi­es in Palestinia­n Jerusalem,” in which she charged Israel with carrying out weapons test on Palestinia­ns. Her unfounded and uncorrobor­ated assertions (“Palestinia­n spaces are laboratori­es”) were represente­d as research conducted under the auspices of Hebrew University, but the university categorica­lly denied involvemen­t, stating Shalhoub-kevorkian’s remarks were strictly “personal opinions which express only herself.”

Of course, all refutation­s of these wretched tales of Mengele-level wickedness only fuel the rancid imaginatio­ns of anti-semites, one and all of whom are conspiracy theorists that no lack of evidence — or even evidence of such atrocities committed by anyone other than Jews — can dissuade or deflect from their chosen hatred. The internet offers an unending supply of the ghoulish fantasies they seek, so it is futile to hope this conflagrat­ion can be tamed by the waters of reason.

Still, institutio­ns can at least fireproof the spaces they control. This incident demonstrat­es that materials in social justice programmin­g should be assessed for credibilit­y before permission is granted for inclusion. Hopefully, PDSB’S promised investigat­ion will yield valuable recommenda­tions for informed triage in the future.

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Dalia Itzik
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