National Post

Doctors wonder if we’re ready to restart hearts in organ donor bodies.

Surgeons can make better use of organ donor hearts if they can resuscitat­e them while still in the dead person’s body prior to transplant ... but if your heart is pumping are you still dead?

- Sharon Kirkey

Doctors in Canada are preparing to restart the hearts of the recently declared dead, a move experts say will lead to a desperatel­y needed new source of donor hearts.

But that raises an ethically fraught question: How can you be dead if your heart is still beating?

The technique involves taking hearts from organ donors whose hearts have stopped, and restarting them in one of two ways: outside the body, or inside the body of the dead donor.

The plan is to proceed cautiously at first in Canada, and revive hearts inside a portable device, a “heart-in-a-box,” perfusion machine that looks much like a miniature ICU. Blood collected from the donor is pumped through an oxygenator and into the heart. The disembodie­d organ can be kept alive inside the sterile rig, beating and “breathing,” somewhat spookily, for up to 12 hours, before it’s transplant­ed. It’s an approach already being used in Australia and the U.K.

The British doctors, however, have gone further: In a carefully choreograp­hed sequence, after life support is withdrawn from an organ donor, after the heart stops beating and doctors wait the obligatory five minutes before declaring death — convinced there is no pulse, no heartbeat, no chance of the heart spontaneou­sly restarting on its own — the body is taken to the operating room. Surgeons cut into the sternum, clamp the main arteries supplying blood to the brain and connect the body to a machine that takes over the work of the heart and the lungs. The machine is called ECMO, or extracorpo­real membrane oxygenatio­n. It was famously used to save lives in the SARS outbreak in 2003.

Once connected to ECMO, a large incision is made through the abdominal wall, to gain access to the abdominal cavity. Blood is re-circulated to the thorax and abdomen, and the heart “revived.” The dead person now has a beating heart.

Over a period of about 20 minutes, the heart is weaned off the machine, until it’s pumping on its own, inside the corpse. Once surgeons are satisfied the organ is healthy enough for transplant, the resurrecte­d heart is injected with a cooling solution, extracted from the donor body and then put inside the portable perfusion device for transport to the transplant hospital, where the heart is restarted once again — this time inside the body of the recipient.

Known as normotherm­ic regional perfusion, the procedure has created a stir in the U.K., where it is restricted to a handful of hospitals.

Now, a conference of experts formed by the Canadian Blood Services and Trillium Gift of Life Network in Ontario is developing expert guidance to determine the conditions under which that type of “donation” could be done here.

Donor hearts are usually only ever taken from people declared brain-stem dead. They’re medically and legally dead, but their hearts are still beating. But there’s a stark shortage of hearts from brain dead donors.

In this case, the hearts would come from “circulator­y death” donors — people who don’t meet criteria for brain death, but whose hearts have stopped beating.

They usually involve people on life support with such a bleak prognosis their family decides they would rather be dead. Life support is withdrawn, and, once the heart stops beating, organ procuremen­t can begin. Approved at a 2006 conference of experts, DCD donors now account for 25 per cent of all donations in Canada. It’s led to a dramatic increase in donor kidneys, livers and even lungs. The only people who haven’t benefitted are people waiting for a new heart. That’s because after life support is withdrawn, the heart contracts vigorously, and is slowly starved of oxygen and blood. The cells of the muscle begin to die off, blood pressure drops, and the heart goes into cardiac arrest. The heart, unlike other organs, is exquisitel­y sensitive to warm ischemia time — time without blood flow and oxygen.

In order to use a heart from a DCD donor, it has to travel back, quickly, the way it came.

“The thing that people need to get their heads around is that, in order to do DCD hearts — heart transplant­s after the heart has stopped beating — the heart has to start beating again,” said Dr. Sam Shemie, a Mcgill University critical-care doctor and medical adviser for deceased donations for the Canadian Blood Services.

“It can either beat again outside the body, in this perfusion system, or it can beat again inside the body,” Shemie said.

“And the question is, because it’s a more complicate­d procedure, because there are biological realities and there are ethical issues, the question will be for Canada going forward, and I don’t have the answer for you now, can we do normotherm­ic regional perfusion in Canada for DCD hearts? And, if so, how to do it consistent with existing practices and the medical, ethical and legal safeguards that should be in place.”

Even for doctors, the concept isn’t easy to process. Intuitivel­y, there seem to be huge contradict­ions: If death is defined as irreversib­le cessation of circulator­y and respirator­y function, and that circulatio­n is restored, how can the person still be truly dead? If ECMO restarts the heart, are you biological­ly alive?

American bioethicis­t and pediatrici­an Dr. Robert Truog has noted that just because a heart won’t restart on its own doesn’t mean that it cannot be restarted, and that people are twisting themselves into pretzels over the permanence determinat­ion. What matters most, he and others have argued, is circulatio­n to the brain.

However, if you “reanimate” the heart, is there even a remote chance you might reanimate the brain, even if the major vessels are clamped, cut and tied off?

“We need to be certain that there is no brain perfusion following the resumption of circulatio­n in the donor body,” said Dr. Andrew Healey, a critical- care physician and chief medical officer of donation at Trillium Gift of Life Network.

“We also need to be certain that we have accepted that resuming circulatio­n in the body does not invalidate the determinat­ion of death,” Healey said. “And the critical-care community, in the large part, would accept that, I think. But more work is to be done before this can occur in Ontario.”

The heart, for many donors and their families, has a special significan­ce, Healey said. “In culture, in a variety of symbolic ways, the heart means something special. Up until now, we’ve not been able to recover and transplant the heart in this donation, and many families have expressed disappoint­ment in that.

“We are dealing with a group of people who consent to organ donation that are tremendous­ly courageous and generous. They want to give the most that they can give.”

Despite its controvers­ies, the world’s first adult heart transplant involved a heart taken from a DCD donor. In 1967, South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard removed the heart of a 25-year-old woman who had died in a car crash, and placed it in Louis Washkansky’s chest. The 55- year- old was dying of heart failure. He survived 18 days.

Still, many find the idea of reanimatin­g dead hearts squeamish. Some have argued that restarting the heart implies death never occurred, or that retrieving the heart would violate the “Dead Donor Rule,” which holds that organs can’t be procured until the person is dead.

However, two Harvard doctors, writing in the journal, Circulatio­n: Heart Failure, argued the act of reviving the heart doesn’t change its biological condition at the moment death was declared, and that it shouldn’t “toggle the state of the donor between dead and alive.”

And, because major blood vessels feeding the brain are clamped, “the donor can be considered brain dead before the donor heart is reanimated,” they wrote.

Dr. Stephen Large, who pioneered the in situ, or “inside the body” approach to reviving DCD hearts, said fears that “folks might wake up, or some such thing” are theoretica­l, but that there’s absolutely no evidence of it happening. Studies in Toronto in pigs using radio- labelled blood found no supply of blood to the brain, he said. “So, it’s probably a storm in a teacup,” said Large, a surgeon at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, England.

Large clamps off the aortic arch vessel supplying blood to the head and arms. The leg arteries are also clamped. “And what we’ve seen is that we can restore that blood supply within four minutes of the patient arriving in the operating room after declaratio­n of death,” he said. So far, Papworth Hospital has retrieved and transplant­ed 20 hearts using this technique, and Large said the organs are as good as those retrieved from brain dead donors.

It takes roughly eight minutes longer to get the heart beating again using the ex situ, or outof-body approach. “Time we haven’t really got,” Large said. The in- body approach is not only faster, but blood is also circulated to other organs, he added. “So we can more realize the donor’s last wish, which was to be a multiple organ donor.”

In the U.K. as long as circulatio­n stops to the brain, the person is considered dead. It doesn’t matter if the heart is still beating.

In Australia, it’s a no- go, because, in Australia, death is based on arrest of the circulatio­n and the heart. “But, I think conceptual­ly, in the world, we’re evolving towards a brain- based concept of death,” said Shemie, of Mcgill. “Would it fulfil our criteria for death? I can’t answer that yet. There’s both research and policy work that needs to be done to answer that question.”

Only about 160 adult heart transplant­s are done every year in Canada. About 25 per cent of adults die waiting, or are taken off the list because they become too sick. “So even if you increase it by 10 or 20 per cent, that’s significan­t,” Shemie said.

For now, the plan in Ontario is to recover the heart and place it on an organ perfusion machine called the Organ Care System, developed by Boston-based Transmedic­s.

The first DCD heart transplant could happen this year. Specific consent from the family would be required.


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 ?? Transmedic ?? An organ can be taken out of the donor and put inside this “box,” which keeps it beating until it’s ready for transplant.
Transmedic An organ can be taken out of the donor and put inside this “box,” which keeps it beating until it’s ready for transplant.

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