National Post

Retiree may need to find a tenant.

amount of Lilly’s mortgage $230K

- Andrew Allentuck E- mail andrew. allentuck@ gmail. com for a free Family Finance analysis

In Ontario, a woman we’ll call Lilly, 65, was recently forced into retirement by health issues. After a long career in the health industry, she is receiving income from several sources, including a defined-benefit plan, Old Age Security and the Canada Pension Plan. Those add up to $3,750 per month with negligible taxes after disability, age and pension credits are taken into account. Lilly’s two adult children live with her but do not pay rent.

Lilly’s problem is too much debt and too little income. While she has $76,000 in Registered Retirement Savings Plans and $38,000 in other financial accounts, she still owes $229,276 on her mortgage — on a home with an estimated value of just $395,000.

Lilly is not in good financial shape. Last year she was spending $ 4,581 per month according to her meticulous­ly maintained records. That means she is running down her cash savings. In a few years, with a rising cost of living, her crimped budget will be even less adequate. Eventually, she could be forced to sell her home.

“I would like to hold onto my home,” Lilly explains. Her problem comes down to a stay or leave question. With her debt and relatively modest income and capital, there is a question of where, even if she did sell, she could go.

Family Finance asked Derek Moran, head of Smarter Financial Planning Ltd., in Kelowna, B. C., to work with Lilly. “She is in a tough spot,” he says. “But there should be a way for her to find peace of mind.”

Income management

Lilly could seek a place to live that is less costly than her present home. Her house costs her $ 2,103 per month for mortgage payments, maintenanc­e, utilities and taxes. That works out to 56 per cent of her 2019 gross monthly income. The Guaranteed Income Supplement, which falls to zero when annual income is about $ 18,200 or more not including Old Age Security benefits, is not available.

Lilly might consider selling her house and paying off the mortgage. She has $ 165,274 equity. If she did sell for the estimated $ 395,000 price less five per cent selling costs, net $ 375,250, then pay off the $ 229,726 mortgage, she would have $145,524 for other accommodat­ion. She could try to find a modest condo, but condos have monthly fees. They might not be more than her present bills for utilities, but she would probably find it hard to get a unit in that price range.

Invested, $ 145,524 would generate just $4,365 per year with a three per cent return after inflation. That’s about $365 per month. Lilly might prefer an all- cash deposit in GICS for her security and peace of mind, so her return at two per cent would be $ 2,910 per year. That’s about $ 242 per month She could find other items in her budget to cut such as RRSP contributi­ons she made last year while working, $95 per month, and TFSA contributi­ons at $75 per month. Even with those adjustment­s, her money for rent, based on the two per cent return, would at most be $415 per month. Selling and renting is not a viable solution, Moran explains.

A reverse mortgage for her equity in her home or even an increase in her mortgage would also not help very much. A reverse mortgage, if available, would be at a higher interest rate than a convention­al mortgage loan. She would get cash but sacrifice equity, for the loan would have to be paid when her house is sold. A convention­al home equity loan would be at a few per cent less than a reverse mortgage, but interest would add to her cost of living and increase her debt. It’s not a workable idea.

Ways to raise income

Lilly’s best bet may be taking in a tenant and/or working part time or charging rent to her two adult children living at home. Where the tenant would be put is a question. One child at home could work, the other is not well. If one left, she could charge a tenant $ 1,200 per month for room and board. That cash flow would cover her present mortgage expense and take the pressure off a financial situation that is likely to get worse. Finally, Lilly might consider part- time work, perhaps a few days a week, health and opportunit­ies permitting. That would help for a few years.

There would also be potential for a cooperativ­e arrangemen­t with another person, perhaps a senior in a similar situation who could share costs. On that basis, Lilly’s own costs could decline substantia­lly and free up money for the travel she wants, for saving, eventually for a new car and for presents for friends and her children.

The bottom line on Lilly’s difficult position is that late in life it is hard to reinvent one’s financial situation. Lilly has most of the capital she will ever have. Her cost of living may rise and she can only manage to pay what may be higher mortgage costs if she remains in her home by nibbling away at car costs. She spends $ 270 per month keeping her small SUV running. Transit might work better, though it might reduce her sense of independen­ce and mobility. Cost cuts that diminish her independen­ce are last resorts.

Sharing arrangemen­ts

There will have to be some sacrifice, Moran says. Either take in a tenant, work out a sharing arrangemen­t with another person who would presumably have more privileges than a tenant or even a share ownership of the house, work part time to boost savings or wait, doing nothing, until rising costs of living eat up her budget so much that she loses her choices altogether.

Looking after adult children who have their own issues and financial needs, carrying more debt than she can handle and health issues that reduce her chance of working full time have created a challengin­g situation. Without resolution — that’s cutting costs or raising income, her situation will get worse. But time may help. “In time, the price of Lilly’s house may have risen enough or her mortgage will have been paid down enough that she will have mid- six figure net worth and income for travel,” Moran says. “We’ve suggested ways to get to better days.”

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