National Post

Rob Ford’s name in running for street

- Michelle Mcquigge

TORONTO• A Toronto street could wind up bearing the name of one of its most notorious politician­s, a possibilit­y that’s reignited the division so prevalent during Rob Ford’s career.

A major constructi­on project in the city’s west end is creating three new streets, and the late Toronto mayor’s name is one of 10 being considered to grace one of them.

Ford, who was a city councillor in a neighbouri­ng area, shot to internatio­nal infamy during his time as mayor between 2010 and 2014. His term was marked by public gaffes and a struggle with, and admission of, alcohol and drug abuse.

His plan to seek a second term was derailed by a cancer diagnosis, and he died in 2016 at the age of 46.

Ford’s tenure in office often provoked strong reactions across the political spectrum, and the prospect of seeing a street named in his honour similarly drew divided responses.

“The late Rob Ford had some issues but he was a great human being and he loved Toronto dearly,” wrote one Twitter user. “If anyone deserves to have a street named after them it is him.”

Others, however, were less receptive to the idea.

“In no world, or parallel universe, should a street be named after Rob Ford, a man who disgraced our city and put it on the world map for all the wrong reasons,” another person wrote.

The road project that could feature Ford’s name is a major intersecti­on in central Etobicoke where three streets converge. The city has long been working on an effort to redevelop the area, commonly referred to as Six Points.

According to city guidelines, the process of naming a street is normally a closed affair in which names are suggested by developers, reviewed by city staff and approved by community councils.

This time, however, the city opted to open the process up to the public and solicited suggestion­s for potential names last fall.

More than 600 submission­s came in, but the city said many were duplicates or options that failed to comply with the city’s street naming policy. Eliminatin­g those whittled the list down to roughly 80, at which time a committee of senior city officials weighed in.

Committee members assessed each name based on four criteria — clarity, strong positive image, historical or cultural significan­ce to Etobicoke, and historical or cultural relevance to Toronto or Canada as a whole.

The committee produced a 10- name short list that scored highest on that scale and opened it up for public votes on Monday.

“The Rob Ford name was directly submitted by the public,” the city said in a statement, noting that Ford’s family had consented to his name being in the running.

Premier Doug Ford, the late mayor’s older brother, did not immediatel­y respond to request for comment.

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