National Post


- August 21, 2019 By Georgia Nicols georgianic­ols. com

Moon Alert: We have the “all clear” today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Taurus.

Aries (March 21-April 19) It’s an excellent day for business and commerce. In particular, it’s a great day for financial speculatio­n and anything related to the hospitalit­y industry, the entertainm­ent world and sports. It’s also a fun day! Get out and enjoy yourself!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) This is an amazing and fortunate day for real-estate negotiatio­ns and family discussion­s. You might shop for something for your home or for a family member. Things will easily go your way because the Moon is in your sign. You’re a winner!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today you feel enthusiast­ic and optimistic about life. Get out and take a short trip because this is what you want to do. You’re hungry to learn something new and talk to interestin­g people. You want to any experience that is intriguing and also expands your world.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) This is an excellent money day! Respect your moneymakin­g ideas. This is a strong day for financial negotiatio­ns. If you play your cards right, you can boost your earnings or get a raise. Dealing with foreign countries or work-related travel will be favourable. Kaching!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today Mercury is in your sign dancing with lucky, moneybags Jupiter, which means it’s a fantastic day to make plans. Your mind is sharp and you will quickly see all possibilit­ies inherent in any situation. You’re eager to learn something and you’re on your game!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You are a precise, analytical sign and today your research abilities are phenomenal. You will quickly see the whole picture plus you have the energy to delve deeply and learn any subject. Meanwhile, today Venus moves into your sign making you so charming!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You love to socialize, and this is a fantastic day to interact with others — friends, members of clubs, groups, conference­s and convention­s. In particular, this is the perfect day to talk to younger people to get their feedback on some of your ideas and goals for the future. Yada, yada, yada.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Do not waste this day. Use it to your advantage. Today you have the ability to be successful when talking to bosses, parents, teachers, VIPS and the police. These people will admire you and agree with you! You really have the edge if you know how to use it.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Travel will delight you today. You will be thrilled to study and learn anything new because you’re hungry for knowledge. It’s a great day to pursue avenues in the law, medicine, publishing and the media because doors will open for you plus people will be impressed with what you have to contribute.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) This is a great day to discuss shared property, inheritanc­es, taxes, debt, insurance disputes and how to divide anything because you will come out smelling like a rose! You will also see the best way to do things so that the results are mutually beneficial. ( You braniac.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) As I have said many times, you are a networker extraordin­aire! (Don’t leave home without your petition.) Today you are super effective talking to friends, partners and members of the general public. You will inspire and enthuse others because you will instinctiv­ely know the right approach.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Work-related travel will delight you today. This is also a great day to interact with people at work, especially people from other cultures and different countries because others want to hear what you have to say. You look informed and approachab­le.

If Your Birthday Is Today Actress Kim Cattrall (1956) shares your birthday today. You attract success. You are imaginativ­e, intuitive, confident and sociable. You are also fun-loving, friendly and generous. This is a year of fast action, change and new opportunit­ies! Expect to meet adventure and stimulatin­g situations. You will have chances to travel and expand your world plus learn new things. Embrace change. Let your personal freedom be your goal this year.

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