National Post

Is capitalism broken? Yes, but the fix isn’t obvious

Munk Debate opponents find common ground

- Aileen Donnelly

When four ideologica­l foes took to the stage at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto Wednesday night for a Munk Debate on capitalism, they found more common ground than you might expect.

They were asked to debate the following motion: “The capitalist system is broken. It’s time to try something different.”

Both sides agreed that capitalism helped build Western societies, and that there’s something wrong with the current system. The question remaining was whether reforms could go far enough to restore capitalism, or whether something entirely new is needed.

Arguing in favour of the motion was Yanis Varoufakis, a leftist politician and former Greek finance minister, and Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation magazine. Arguing that the answer to society’s ills is more capitalism, more economic freedom and more free markets were Arthur Brooks, former head of the American Enterprise Institute, and his brother David Brooks, a columnist with The New York Times.

At the beginning of the night, a poll of the 3,000 people in the audience showed them almost evenly divided: 47 per cent believed capitalism was broken and beyond reform, the other 53 per cent did not.

For Arthur Brooks, capitalism is responsibl­e for pulling two billion people out of poverty, and the world’s only hope of doing it again for the next two billion. Reform it, regulate it, increase taxes if you must — but don’t think the answer is to eradicate free markets, he said.

Varoufakis agreed that Western society owes a “great debt of gratitude” to capitalism for liberating the world from prejudice and feudalism.

“But at the same time we owe capitalism unbearable inequality, unsustaina­ble debt, brazen authoritar­ianism and, yes, catastroph­ic climate change,” he said.

David Brooks acknowledg­ed that capitalism, like all human systems, has problems, but said it can be reformed, and a carbon tax used to counter climate change.

“Walk around Toronto, do you think we should burn this down? All that’s been achieved here?” he said, criticizin­g the idea that capitalism is beyond saving. “We have strengths and we have weaknesses, but we are some of the most successful societies on earth.”

But for Varoufakis, the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent bailouts prove that capitalism is beyond fixing. He argued that the current system actually offers a form of socialism and security to the super rich and private banks considered too big to fail. “They’re correct that there’s a lot of socialism at the top and a lot of capitalism at the bottom. I want capitalism all the way through," Andrew Brooks said after the debate.

But he argued earlier that every criticism about capitalism is actually a descriptio­n of a failure of capitalism and a lack of competitio­n. The answer? Reform and more capitalism.

“What pays for every welfare program? Capitalism does,” he said. “Set the markets truly free and watch people flourish.”

Varoufakis proposed the most radical vision of the future, looking far ahead to a time when robots replace most workers but do not consume any of the goods they are making. That is a place where capitalism cannot take us, he said.

Instead, he proposed a world without stock markets or private banks.

“Corporatio­ns in which every worker has one share and one vote; where we all have an account with our central bank; where every baby gets a trust fund; where we have more democracy by having fewer elections and more lotteries by which to select our authoritie­s,” he said.

After the debate David Brooks told moderator Rudyard Griffiths that Varoufakis’s proposal for workers to share ownership of a corporatio­n wouldn’t work, but people need to feel more invested in the economic system. “A lot of people clearly don’t feel like they’ve got any skin in this game. They think it’s a rigged game. So that’s a genuine problem,” he said.

Brooks told Griffiths that he was struck by how the non- capitalism side has evolved beyond an argument for socialism where the state runs everything.

Vanden Heuvel argued during the debate that it’s time to move beyond caricature­s.

“It’s as if we’re only offered two choices: robber- baron capitalism or freedom- zapping state socialism,” she said “We probably won’t call the next system capitalism, or even capitalism 3.0, but we probably won’t call it socialism either.”

An overwhelmi­ng majority ( 79 per cent) professed that they were willing to have their minds changed by the debate, but in the end the needle barely moved. Capitalism won a narrow victory with 55 per cent of the audience voting against the motion at the end of the night. “We’re at a moment — it’s a kind of inflection point — where people aren’t sure. They know things aren’t working, but they aren’t sure where to head. And I think that was captured in the debate,” vanden Heuvel told Griffiths.

 ?? Noemie Olive / Reuters ?? Activists block the entrance of a shopping centre near Paris to denounce
the Black Friday shopping frenzy.
Noemie Olive / Reuters Activists block the entrance of a shopping centre near Paris to denounce the Black Friday shopping frenzy.

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