National Post

A movie with bite

- Chris Knight

She Never Died

I’d never heard of a “sister sequel,” but it’s an appealing concept: Take an existing movie and goose up Part 2 with some female energy. That’s what happens in She Never Died, a loose followup to Jason Krawczyk’s 2015 horror- comedy He Never Died. Krawczyk returns as screenwrit­er, but the director this time is Audrey Cummings.

Olunike Adeliyi stars as Lacey, a supernatur­al being of unknown provenance, though she denies being a vampire, a zombie or an escaped government experiment. She does admit to an insatiable hunger for human flesh, which she obtains, Dexter-like, from those who don’t deserve to keep theirs.

Lacey almost can’t help crossing paths with Godfrey (Peter Macneill), an unorthodox cop on a crusade to bust a human- traffickin­g ring. When he sees what she’s capable of, his response is to ask if she wouldn’t mind killing a bad guy he’s been following. Her reply: “Can I eat him?”

Adeliyi gave a standout performanc­e in Cummings’ last film, 2017’s Darken, and she’s just as good here, delivering a mix of deadpan humour and reluctant but deadly fighting skills. It’s no wonder a would-be victim of kidnappers (Kiana Madeira) hangs around her like a puppy after she’s been rescued.

The film ends on a mildly confusing note that suggests a potential for more sequels — sister- in- law sequels? But the story stands on its own.

And a shout- out to the writing; Lately I’ve been despairing at films that knock audiences over the head with exposition­al dialogue. A recent offender had one character tell another: “My son is the father of your children!” before adding: “Your children are my grandchild­ren!” I think she knows.

So I was tickled when evildoers Terrance and Meredith ( Noah Danby, Michelle Nolden) were discussing some criminal matter and I was trying to figure out whether they were business associates or lovers or something else. The answer came in a perfect, natural line of dialogue at the end of the scene: “Would it kill you to call mom every once in a while?” ★★★1/2

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