National Post

Trump warns Kim after rocket test report

- Soyoung Kim Josh Smith and

WASHINGTON/ SEOUL • U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un risks losing “everything” if he resumes hostility and his country must denucleari­ze, after the North said it had carried out a “successful test of great significan­ce.”

“Kim Jong Un is too smart and has far too much to lose, everything actually, if he acts in a hostile way. He signed a strong Denucleari­zation Agreement with me in Singapore,” Trump said on Twitter, referring to his first summit with Kim in Singapore in 2018.

“He does not want to void his special relationsh­ip with the President of the United States or interfere with the U.S. Presidenti­al Election in November,” he said.

North Korea’s state media KCNA reported earlier on Sunday that it had carried out a “very important” test at its Sohae satellite launch site, a rocket-testing ground that U.S. officials once said North Korea had promised to close.

The reported test comes ahead of a year-end deadline North Korea has imposed for the United States to drop its insistence on unilateral denucleari­zation. Pyongyang has warned it could take a “new path” amid the stalled talks with the United States.

“North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, has tremendous economic potential, but it must denucleari­ze as promised,” Trump said on Twitter.

The KCNA report called it a “successful test of great significan­ce” but did not specify what was tested.

Missile experts said it appeared likely the North Koreans had conducted a static test of a rocket engine, rather than a missile launch.

“If it is indeed a static engine test for a new solid or liquid fuel missile, it is yet another loud signal that the door for diplomacy is quickly slamming, if it isn’t already,” said Vipin Narang, a nuclear affairs expert at the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology in the United States.

“This could be a very credible signal of what might await the world after the New Year.”

Tensions have risen ahead of a year- end deadline set by North Korea, which has called on the United States to change its policy of insisting on Pyongyang’s unilateral denucleari­zation and demanded relief from punishing sanctions.

Asked in a CBS Face the Nation interview if North Korea might be preparing to resume nuclear tests, U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O’brien said that “would be a mistake on the part of North Korea.”

Pyongyang’s last nuclear test, its sixth and most powerful, took place in September 2017.

On Saturday North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations said denucleari­zation was now off the negotiatin­g table with the United States and lengthy talks with Washington are not needed.

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