National Post

No discrimina­tion on kilted bus driver: tribunal

- Colin Perkel

TORONTO • A bus driver sent home to change out of the kilt he wore to work on a casual Friday was not a victim of anti- Scottish discrimina­tion, Ontario’s human rights tribunal has ruled.

In its decision, the tribunal decided Tracy Macdonnell had provided no evidence the directive from Grand River Transit in the Region of Waterloo, Ont., was improper.

“The applicant is proud of his ancestry and wears a kilt on special occasions. I find that he has not pointed to any evidence in his testimony to establish that he had the right, protected under the code, to wear a kilt at work or while on duty,” adjudicato­r Josee Bouchard wrote in her decision. Macdonnell “has pointed to no evidence in his testimony to establish that he was harassed because of his ancestry,” Bouchard wrote.

The incident arose on a charity-fundraisin­g Friday in October 2017, when a supervisor told the 14- year driver to change out of his rented kilt into a proper uniform. Macdonnell alleged discrimina­tion because of his Scottish ancestry.

Evidence at a hearing last month showed the bus line had made it clear to employees that kilts were off- limits on casual Fridays.

Macdonnell testified the ban, in response to another driver who had previously shown up to work in a kilt, upset him and he wanted to make a point. He said he was proud of his Scottish ancestry, listened to Scottish music and ate haggis. He also said he was married wearing a kilt, although he did not own one.

Macdonnell argued what he wore was akin to wearing a turban for religious reasons or clothing from other countries. He admitted to deliberate­ly defying the no-kilt order to press his case.

Among other things, Macdonnell wanted the tribunal to order supervisor­s to undergo sensitivit­y training, accept cultural dress as appropriat­e attire on casual Fridays, and pay him $ 25,000 to cover his kilt rental and hurt feelings.

In dismissing the applicatio­n, Bouchard noted that Macdonnell complied with the order to change and returned to work that day. He was not discipline­d and suffered no adverse employment consequenc­es.

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