National Post


- William Watson

Parasite winning the Oscar for best film of the year upends 92 years of film history, in which the best picture according to Hollywood has been either in English ( 90 times) or silent ( twice: 1929 and 2012). Where the films of Sergei Eisenstein, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, François Truffaut, Jean Renoir and a dozen other famous foreign auteurs failed, a South Korean comedy- thriller revolving around the theme of ( no surprise here) social inequality has now succeeded, winning the two top- drawer awards of best picture and best director for Bong Joon Ho, whose halting English did not prevent him from promising he would drink until morning. One piece of English that stood out in his Korean- language thank you speech was “Martin Scorsese,” his fellow nominee, whose films, Bong noted, he had studied in film school. Scorsese graciously grinned in response.

Hollywood has gone global, it seems, even as the rest of the world torches global. The Oscars evidently remain a place for rarefied tastes, even if best actor winner Joaquin Phoenix’s disquisiti­on in support of veganism fell flat, if less from his audience’s lack of potential receptivit­y than his own lack of a sense of time and place.

The moral calculatio­n of these actor- lecturers must be that if their good looks and knack for speaking other people’s words in an emotive way give them purchase in the public mind, it would be wrong not to use it to promote whatever cause that, between takes, they have decided furthers the public good. In fairness, who of us, miraculous­ly transporte­d to the stage, with Oscar in hand, microphone open and a worldwide audience awaiting, would not also thank our parents, spouses and colleagues and then put in a few words about the error of supply management?

If Hollywood really is standing up for all things global at a time when almost no one else will, well, good for Hollywood. But there’s at least the possibilit­y that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ politicall­y correct push to get more non- white, non- male members by including more foreigners has changed the demographi­cs enough to make a substantia­l difference.

Closer to home, by placing an emphatic exclamatio­n mark on the idea that, whatever may be happening in other markets, film is now fully global, the success Parasite had at the Oscars undermines a theory that has underlain Canadian cultural protection­ism since the 1970s. Even today, it burrows within policy recommenda­tions, such as the Broadcasti­ng & Telecommun­ications Legislativ­e Review Panel’s Canadian Communicat­ions Commission Proposal ( CCCP), which would continue cocooning Canadian content in protection­ist rules and regulation­s.

The theory behind Canadian cultural protection­ism has always been that the Americans have an overwhelmi­ng advantage in the form of their home market, which, it is proved simply by assertion, smaller players cannot penetrate. The immense revenues and profits they earn there enable them to dump their culture on the rest of the world — in the technical economics meaning of dumping, i. e., selling at less than cost. The economic rule they follow is: produce a property if it has a chance of making money in the home market and then, if it does, give it away to foreigners.

If that really is the model, we foreigners have no chance. The big American market finances the slickest, most lavish production­s with the biggest, most expensive stars. The rest of the world, Canada included, simply can’t compete. If we are to have any cultural output at all — if we are to “tell our own stories” in the media of mass entertainm­ent — the government has to fund it, either directly with subsidies paid out of tax revenues, or indirectly with regulation­s that force media companies to share the excess profits from government restrictio­n of the airwaves and fibre-optic cables with “creators.”

But in the world we have now, the world of Netflix and other similar companies — new ones every day, it seems — the strategy of “make profits at home and dump onto the world market” no longer makes sense. If you’re selling into a world market, as everyone now is, why pursue a project only if it makes money in your home market? No, you produce it if you can make money in the world market. Already it’s a rule of thumb in Hollywood that an action film’s make-or-break is Asia, not Ohio.

But if all that’s true, the cultural question gets turned around. If Koreans, Israelis, Icelanders, Swedes, Danes, Poles, the French, the Brits and many other nationalit­ies are making money selling into the world market, what is it again about Canadian culture that requires such protective regulatory and fiscal cladding and coddling? World audiences are interested in the stories of so many different nationalit­ies — Korea just won the Oscar, for Pete’s sake! — they might even be interested in ours.

“If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere” is now not just true of New York. It’s true of everywhere.


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