National Post




1 Dark heart of husband is

malicious (6)

4 Fish sauce over leafy

vegetable (8)

9 Posts affected vacant texts? (6) 10 Starter of spicy Indian dishes

causes runs (8)

12 Cheese and crackers after meal

half rejected (8)

13 Some psychopath on Shutter

Island (6)

15 Air of innocence following the

man’s cruelty (13)

18 Sadly date Republican

without a chance (13) 22 Opening wine going

with nearly everything (6) 24 Clip contains Queen

period legacy (8)

26 Female finally in extremely bloody parable (8)

27 Creature’s back showing bony plates (6)

28 Tweeted about husband

getting excited (8)

29 A fellow lives for handsome

young man (6)


1 Customs of The French

Connection heading south (6) 2 Crew in shackles dishearten­ed

in vessel (9)

3 A queen mounted supporting

insect appendage (7)

5 Craving hag missing wife to

begin (4)

6 Loads motor then sets off (7) 7 Improper young lady

with ace top (5)

8 Detective’s men told

to provide cover (8)

11 Head likely taken by

original murderer (7)

14 Skin of sweetheart

covered in froth (7) 16 Height of evil – atone

somehow (9)

17 Topple possibly seeing drink works (8)

19 Support section of church overturnin­g gospel (7)

20 Criminal outfit takes

on another outfit (7) 21 Beams outside empty

electoral broadcasts (6) 23 Regent usually leading England’s reign primarily? (5)

25 Native American belief

system is endless (4)

 ??  ??

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