National Post

A woke Bond is a weak Bond

007 was never for the politicall­y correct

- Madeline Grant

Another week, another bout of actorly virtue- signalling. Daniel Craig has shed light on his final outing as Bond, No Time to Die, now postponed due to coronaviru­s. Unable to resist the luvvie- ish proclamati­ons that have made his profession so insufferab­le, Craig describes “struggles” to keep politics out of the film (“But of course it is there. It’s always there, whether it’s Trump, or Brexit, or Russian influence on elections”). Amusingly, he imagines Bond — binge-drinker, destroyer of gadgets, seducer of women — as a selfless public servant. “There’s something I feel that Bond represents, someone who’s there, trying to do the job and doesn’t want any f--ing publicity.”

As a lifelong Bond fan, I’m beginning to think Eon Production­s shouldn’t just delay NTTD, but cancel it outright. The series has deteriorat­ed since Craig’s triumphant first outing in Casino Royale. Quantum of Solace and Spectre were abysmal failures, and news from the set of NTTD has hardly inspired confidence ( we recently heard that Bond will navigate “the world of #Metoo” alongside a female 007). Yet fans don’t want to be reminded of the perils of toxic masculinit­y. We want escapism.

True, the sober direction of the Craig films was an ( understand­able) reaction to the excesses of the Pierce Brosnan era. But the pendulum has swung too far in the Jason Bourne direction, and there are correspond­ingly few laughs amid the disorienta­ting car chases and hair- raising stunts. Though Craig brought a new vulnerabil­ity to the role, audiences rarely leave the cinema in stitches. Tellingly, Craig’s one old- school Bond moment occurred off- screen, in his cameo with the Queen in the London Olympics opening ceremony.

Craig fans scoff at the antics of Brosnan and Roger Moore. Yet their films, though often ridiculous, entertain in ways recent releases rarely manage. Who would go back for round two of Quantum of Solace? Bond can be simultaneo­usly funny, thrilling, naughty and stylish ( consider From Russia With Love), yet I’d take the humour of the Moore era, replete with Tarzan yells and double-taking pigeons, over a dour offering any day.

The direction of Star Wars under Disney, and particular­ly The Last Jedi, which sacrificed plot consistenc­y for feminist propaganda, should remind us of the risks of appealing to the right- on over fans. For the latest instalment, Solo, millions stayed at home. Other woke remakes — including the all- female Ghostbuste­rs — have similarly tanked at the box office.

Could things change under a new Bond? Rumours abound about possibilit­ies for the lead role, from Tom Hardy to Benedict Cumberbatc­h. Based on Bond’s current trajectory, I predict a rather worthier lineup: a Jane Bond and George Clooney as her ally Felix Vaper (the character’s original last name “Leiter” could be seen as endorsing smoking). And Q? Perhaps an environmen­tal and political activist could help dole out electric cars and help defeat the shady oil corporatio­ns, airline executives and other foils of the woke Bond era.

OK, I’m exaggerati­ng. But how depressing that this outcome seems more likely than a return to Ian Fleming’s source material, and the style and humour that once made Bond so irresistib­le.

 ??  ?? Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig

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