National Post

Cheers to volunteers

- Paula Speevak

Anoticeabl­e national surge of compassion and innovation shown by volunteers and the non- profit and charitable sector during the COVID-19 outbreak has been truly awe-inspiring and a source of hope for somany.

Supporting vulnerable people and continuing essential services while staying safe and practising physical distancing has been a challengin­g tightrope to walk. But all across Canada, the challenge is being embraced by volunteers of all ages.

Government­s, businesses, and community organizati­ons have stretched their resources and adapted their policies to respond. It’s time to applaud every volunteerw­ho has stepped up, stepped cautiously, and, at times, stepped back in response to this pandemic.

National Volunteer Week is a time to highlight the enormous contributi­ons of Canada’s volunteers. People are formally volunteeri­ng through organizati­ons and checking in with family, friends, and neighbours. When you see groceries at a front door, chances area volunteer delivered them. When you call a help line, a volunteer is there to listen to you and help you find support. Volunteers are continuing to drive people to doctor’s appointmen­ts, bring them hot meals, and help out in shelters.

Volunteers who are isolating at home are also continuing to support others. They’re tutoring, mentoring, and connecting with people online. Volunteers are leading sing- alongs, organizing concerts, and teaching yoga. They’re teaching others to participat­e in online discussion­s, worship services, and classes. Businesses are finding new ways to support employee volunteeri­ng by directing skills, goods, and services to help communitie­s. During this COVID-19 pandemic, new resources are being developed to help people reduce risks and tomake volunteeri­ng safer for everyone.

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, Canada already had much to celebrate with close to 13 million Canadians volunteeri­ng more than 2 billion hours each year. Volunteer centres in communitie­s work year-round to connect people with organizati­ons and volunteer resource managers match people’s skills and passions to address critical social, economic, and environmen­tal issues.

This year, perhaps more than ever, it’s especially important to thank those who are new to volunteeri­ng, those who have continued to volunteer, and the volunteers who are staying back to keep themselves and others safe. Cheers to Canada’s volunteers!

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 ?? Paula Speevak President & CEO, Volunteer Canada ??
Paula Speevak President & CEO, Volunteer Canada

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