National Post

Legault says politics not overriding health

- Giuseppe Valiante

• Quebec Premier François Legault sought to reassure Quebecers on Thursday that the province isn’t opening up too quickly, while also preparing them to expect a lot more COVID-19- related deaths in the coming days and weeks.

Legault’s government plans to reopen schools and retail stores ahead of most other provinces, and he told reporters that he understand­s Quebecers are worried about Montreal, in particular.

An outbreak of COVID-19 is occurring in the northern part of the city, home to a concentrat­ion of lower- income people who live in crowded apartments. At least three Montreal hospitals are dealing with outbreaks and the emergency rooms of other medical centres in the city are beginning to see overcrowdi­ng.

But businesses are only set to reopen in Montreal on May 11, Legault said, adding that if public health authoritie­s determine the city’s hospitals cannot cope with an eventual increase in cases that will come with a loosening of restrictio­ns, he’ll delay his plan. The premier also tried to assuage concerns that politics — namely pressure to reopen and boost the economy — was overriding public health concerns.

“I want to reassure certain people of the independen­ce of Dr. (Horacio) Arruda,” Legault said in Quebec City, referring to the province’s director of public health, who has sat by his side for weeks during the premier’s daily news conference­s.

“I listen to him as if he was my mother,” Legault mused. “I have no undue influence on him.”

Opening up the province will also come with increased testing, Legault said. Quebec currently conducts about 6,000 COVID-19 tests per day, but by next week, the province will increase its capacity to 14,500 tests per day, the premier said.

And while he tried to reassure a skittish public, the premier also sought to prepare people for will likely be a tough few weeks ahead for long-term care homes, which are the source of 65 per cent of the province’s COVID-19 deaths.

Quebec reported 98 new deaths Thursday, for a total of 1,859, and Legault said 92 of them occurred in care homes. There are still 4,400 patients in long- term care and other senior residences who are infected with COVID-19, he said.

“We will do everything to try and save the maximum, but we have to be realistic,” Legault said. “It’s clear there will continue to be a lot of death, unfortunat­ely, over the coming days and weeks.”

 ??  ?? François Legault
François Legault

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