National Post

The surprising fact about ‘supersprea­der events’

It’s not the size of the event, but the behaviour of participan­ts that matters

- Jonathan Kay

If my fellow Jews ever get around to organizing our own version of the darwin Awards — a Maccabiah Games for those determined to remove themselves from the human gene pool — a strong contender would be the brain trust behind Tuesday’s packed funeral for Chaim Mertz, a well- known Brooklyn rabbi. Making the whole scene especially tragicomic was the fact that mass gatherings such as this are a big reason New york City’s Hasidic neighbourh­oods became massive COVID-19 hot spots in the first place. An estimated 700 Hasidic Jews in the city have succumbed to the disease, including the 73- year- old rabbi whose funeral all those hundreds of mourners were attending on Tuesday. Topping off the deadly farce was the subsequent claim by some politician­s that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to break up the event would stoke “dangerous” expression­s of anti- Semitism. What, exactly, is more dangerous than being suffocated to death by a virus colony growing inside your respirator­y system?

I find it especially shocking to hear of scenes like this given all we know — or should know — about the way this disease spreads. In a recent journalist­ic study for Quillette, I looked at dozens of COVID-19 “supersprea­der” events around the world. ( The word is used commonly in the scientific literature, but has no universall­y accepted formal definition.) What I found was that the vast majority of these events (as with the dozens more that I learned about from scientists and ordinary readers following my original publicatio­n) were rooted in a relatively small number of activity types. Putting aside hospitals, private residences and old- age homes, almost all of these supersprea­der events (SSES) took place in the context of ( 1) parties, ( 2) face- to- face profession­al networking events and meetings, (3) religious gatherings, ( 4) sports events, ( 5) meat- processing facilities, ( 6) ships at sea, (7) singing groups, and, yes, (8) funerals.

My data- collection techniques were beset by all sorts of unavoidabl­e biases and inadequaci­es. Even so, I was struck by the fact that almost every SSE I found unfolded in crowded, socially intimate environmen­ts where people are up in each other’s faces, laughing, shouting, cheering, sobbing, singing, greeting or praying. ( Loud noises also are strongly associated with SSES, because noisy venues tend to be places where people yell at each other at close range to make themselves heard.)

Meanwhile, many other common forms of mass- gathering activities that do not typically involve sustained face- to- face contact and agitated respirator­y states — watching movies in a theatre, buying items in a store, sitting on a train, bus or plane, working in a cubicle farm, attending a college class — are almost completely absent from my database, despite the fact that billions of people partake in these activities every day.

Those interested in my full analysis can read the ( longer) original article in Quillette. Much of that piece is technical, because my purpose was to combine evidence from SSES with emerging research in the field of fluid dynamics (my own scientific specialty in days of yore) so as to address the crucial question of what type of infected COVID- 19 droplets, transmissi­on vectors and behaviours generate the highest level of risk. But the upshot is that, to the extent our estimation of such risk may be guided by a study of SSES, most forms of human social and profession­al interactio­n, even at very close range, don’t seem to lead to large-scale transmissi­on. The dominant risk seems to lie with large saliva droplets emitted at high velocity from nose or mouth that travel ballistica­lly into the face of an uninfected person — as distinct from infection routes that rely on smaller aerosol droplets that remain suspended in unventilat­ed spaces, or indirect transmissi­on modes that involve infected surfaces.

I recite all this not because my research is definitive. It’s not. While my analysis of the transmissi­on dynamics of COVID-19 is rooted in my own former research specialty, I’m a layperson when it comes to virology. But the fact that informatio­n about these SSES hadn’t previously been collected in one place ( to my knowledge) is itself somewhat telling. I remain struck by how little focus there’s been on certain basic questions about how this disease travels from Person A to Person B.

Many pundits, in particular, remain primarily obsessed with tracking down miracle cures or parsing the political motives of public- health officials. Meanwhile, those same officials remain locked in a slogan- based public- health response that seems increasing­ly divorced from the available science. It’s become clear, for instance, that, depending on context, a two- metre separation between people in public spaces isn’t either sufficient or necessary. Glancing contact with a person on a sidewalk or in a store isn’t going to hurt you. But if you’re in the crosshairs of someone letting loose with a sneezing or coughing fit, the blast zone could extend past three, four or even five of those spaced out dots that have popped up on the floors of grocery checkouts.

Tuesday’s funeral scene in Brooklyn was obviously unsafe. Even yeshiva World, which blasted de Blasio’s interventi­on, conceded that “social distancing was not what it should have been.” But in general, outdoor spaces in which people abstain from intimate face- toface socializin­g are less dangerous than crowded indoor gatherings. And so I was struck by the pointless public- health puritanism that informed Nova Scotia’s hard cap of five mourners at funerals for victims of last week’s mass shooting. A study of COVID-19 SSES shows it is not the size of the event that makes it dangerous, but the behaviour of the participan­ts. Five people can transmit the disease to one another if they behave in the physically and emotionall­y expressive manner of normal mourners — just as five *thousand* could safely attend a funeral if they conducted themselves in a more distanced manner.

This is why it isn’t helpful to conduct endless debates about when we will “reopen” our economy, as if this were a single on- off switch — because some kinds of economic activity are entirely reliant on close, highrisk forms of human contact, while others are not. A study of SSES supports the idea that many forms of normal office work, retail commerce and industrial activity are all relatively safe so long as people engage in appropriat­e distancing and take common sense measures like staying home if they are symptomati­c or have tested positive for COVID-19. Absent a vaccine, however, other forms of activity won’t be safe for months or even years. These include bars, dance clubs, concerts, singing groups, singles meetups, trade convention­s, board- game cafés, mass attendance sports events, and certain forms of physiother­apy and esthetic care.

It’s all about the physics of droplet transmissi­on. This summer, tennis will be fine. Squash won’t. A small, socially distanced lunch meeting among colleagues will be OK. Friday night cinq- à- sept, not so much. Certainly, one of the first things we should be doing is sending all the little kids back to school, since the WHO hasn’t been able to find a single case of a child under 10 transmitti­ng the virus to adults — which is why elementary schools in Germany, Australia, Sweden and several other OECD countries are already back up and running — albeit with modified schedules and procedures. Widespread, rapid testing and thorough contact tracing would obviously make everything safer across the board, of course, but these are separate issues.

Getting Canadian societies to the point where ordinary people can apply these principles will require, among other things, that government stop treating us like children who can’t manage public health except on the level of nursery- school shoe- tying rhymes (which, if readers recall, was one of the rationales the federal government provided when it was still telling us not to wear masks). The task of living with this disease in the medium term is going to be too complex for government to micromanag­e with one- size- fits- all rules. They’re going to have to start letting citizens make their own informed decisions based on their own circumstan­ces.

Letting go of this tendency to micromanag­e, which really was necessary in the most acute phase of the pandemic, will be difficult for some Canadian politician­s — such as the Ottawa authoritie­s who (I swear I am not making this up) have banned family members from standing on the lawn of oldage homes and waving to their elderly family members inside, on the other side of a window. This is a province where liquor stores are open. Farmers markets, too, have been deemed “essential services.” So Ottawa residents are perfectly free to go stand in line at the LCBO to buy a bottle of Jack, and then go comparison shopping for organic honey. Just don’t stop on the way home to wave at grandpa, because that’s what COVID-19 wants you to do.

Many Canadian parks and other public spaces have been subject to equally absurd policies, with residents being fined for sitting on benches or doing sit- ups. In Toronto — again, I swear I’m not making this up, but I wish I were — city officials banned the viewing of cherry blossoms at one of the city’s largest parks. These measures are justified by a dwindling group of puritans who reference images of crowds at these viewings in past years — because of course we’re all too stupid to know that a global pandemic requires that we alter our behaviour from a 2019 baseline. One moment, you’re looking at a cherry blossom. The next, you’re playing Twister with a bunch of pangolins.

yes, there will always be certain dangerous outliers — in Brooklyn and elsewhere — whose activities need to be called out and punished. young people especially expect to live forever and don’t spend much time worrying about a disease that will likely spare them while perhaps striking down their grandparen­ts. But the recklessne­ss of a few should not be used as a pretext to deaden the springtime soul of a whole society. Above all, the policies we implement should be based on educating citizens in regard to the science of how COVID-19 spreads, not pelting them with stale- dated slogans while judging them too irresponsi­ble to stay safe while waving at their relatives or looking at a tree full of pretty flowers.

Letting go of this tendency to micromanag­e ... will be difficult for some canadian politician­s.

 ?? PETER GERBER VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A police officer keeps watch as hundreds of mourners gather in the Brooklyn borough of New York on Tuesday to observe a funeral for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, a
Hasidic Orthodox leader whose death was reportedly tied to the coronaviru­s.
PETER GERBER VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A police officer keeps watch as hundreds of mourners gather in the Brooklyn borough of New York on Tuesday to observe a funeral for Rabbi Chaim Mertz, a Hasidic Orthodox leader whose death was reportedly tied to the coronaviru­s.
 ??  ??

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