National Post


‘More to do on strengthen­ing gun control’

- Lee Berthiaume

OT TAWA • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended his assault- rifle ban on Sunday and promised to go even further by targeting handguns and tightening border security with new legislatio­n introduced in the Parliament.

Yet he stopped short of providing a timeline for when such measures would be introduced, saying only that the federal Liberal government would move forward with legislatio­n “when Parliament allows.”

The comments came during the prime minister’s daily COVID-19 news conference after the government on Friday outlawed a wide range of assault- style weapons. The ban did not require parliament­ary approval and was instead published in regulation­s in the Canada Gazette.

Some have said the ban doesn’t go far enough and should include handguns while others have argued that it targets legal gun owners and that Ottawa should instead focus on the smuggling of illegal weapons at the border and stronger jail sentences.

Trudeau acknowledg­ed his government has more work to do when it comes to guns in Canada, which was why it was working on legislatio­n that will deal with the border, gun storage and handguns.

Exactly when that legislatio­n will be introduced, however, appears to be anyone’s guess.

“We know there is more to do on strengthen­ing gun control in this country which is why we’re going to be moving forward when Parliament allows it with stronger measures around borders, stronger measures around safe storage,” Trudeau said.

“Measures around handguns to permit municipali­ties to ban handguns within their city limits.”

Legislatio­n will also need to be introduced around a two- year amnesty and a buyback program that will allow the current owners of assault rifles covered by Friday’s ban to receive compensati­on for turning in the designated firearms or keep them through a grandfathe­ring process.

The Liberal government will move forward on that front “at the first opportunit­y when the House turns its attention to things other than” COVID- 19, Trudeau said.

The Liberals promised in the last election campaign to ban assault rifles and introduce legislatio­n allowing cities to ban handguns.

Trudeau refused to apologize for the ban after Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Saturday said it targeted legal gun owners. He suggested Ottawa should instead focus on smuggling of illegal weapons at the border and strengthen­ing jail sentences for gun crimes.

“We’ve seen far too many mass shootings in which military- style- assault weapons were used to kill innocent Canadians. In Sainte- Foy. Recently in Nova Scotia. Back at l’ecole Polytechni­que 30 years ago,” Trudeau said.

“We’ve seen far too many cases in which these guns have caused devastatio­n to families and communitie­s. That’s why it was time to ban them. This is something that we were able to do through regulation­s so it didn’t require legislatio­n.”

 ?? Justin Tang / the Cana dian pres ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government is working on legislatio­n that will deal with
the border, gun storage and handguns.
Justin Tang / the Cana dian pres Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government is working on legislatio­n that will deal with the border, gun storage and handguns.

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