National Post

Meat-packing plant’s plan to reopen opposed by union

Outbreak led to positive tests for almost 1,000

- Jake Edmiston

An Alberta meat- packing plant that became the site of Canada’s largest COVID-19 outbreak appeared set to reopen on Monday despite an intense union campaign to stop it.

Operations at Cargill Inc.’s major slaughterh­ouse and cutting facility in High River, Alta., have been on pause for two weeks after an outbreak saw nearly half of its 2,000 employees test positive for the virus.

The Cargill plant, which processes 35 per cent of all federally regulated beef in Canada, said it was ready to restart slaughteri­ng on Monday at a reduced capacity, after adding extra safety measures and conducting a thorough cleaning of the plant.

But the union representi­ng Cargill workers — United Food and Commercial Workers ( UFCW) Local 401 — wasn’t convinced the changes went far enough so it filed a complaint on Friday asking the Alberta labour relations board to intervene and stop the Monday reopening.

The labour board held mediation talks on the weekend between union representa­tives and Cargill, but as of Sunday evening there was an agreement.

“They’ve been going at it hard. Both sides and the mediation have been working hard at it,” labour relations board chair William Johnson said. “I don’t know what the outcomes are going to be.”

An official labour board hearing on the union’s complaint isn’t scheduled until Thursday. So if Cargill doesn’t agree to postpone the reopening in mediation talks Sunday, the plant is clear to reopen as planned Monday morning. At the time of print deadline on Sunday night, there was no resolution, the union said.

“We shouldn’t have to go through all of this in order to have a voice. We shouldn’t have to engage in all these legal proceeding­s in order to be heard,” UFCW spokesman Michael Hughes said Sunday.

The High River outbreak was the worst in a series of outbreaks in cramped meatpackin­g plants across the country, a problem that has imperilled supply chains and threatened the livelihood­s of Canadian cattle ranchers who now have far fewer places to send their cows to slaughter. As of last week, 921 workers at the plant had tested positive for the virus and one employee had died.

Cargill said last week it had the support of the province’s provincial health authority, Alberta Health Services, which advised the company on adding extra safety rules at the plant, including a ban on carpooling — which had been common among Cargill workers before the outbreak. Instead, the company is providing a retrofitte­d bus with protective barriers between riders. Cargill also sanitized the plant, added protective barriers in staff washrooms, and reassigned lockers to prevent crowding in locker rooms. The company said the changes are on top of measures that were in place before the shut down, including temperatur­e checks before workers can enter the plant. The plant also will run only one of two regular shifts.

Cargill declined to comment on Sunday about UFCW’S attempts to block its plant from reopening. In a statement on Friday, Cargill said it was engaging with the union “in good faith.”

“We are eager to sit down and have a meaningful discussion about our shared focus — keeping our workers safe in the midst of this global pandemic,” the company said in a statement. “We care about our employees and are working around the clock to keep them safe, deliver food for local families and provide market access for ranchers.”

The union, however, said Cargill and Alberta Health ignored its input on the new measures and thus overlooked on- the- ground realities for workers at the plant. For instance, the union worried that sick leaves at the plant will force staff to fill unfamiliar roles, requiring face-to-face training. And on the noisy cutting floor, the union wrote, it’s hard for employees and supervisor­s to communicat­e without “close contact.”

In addition to its complaint to the provincial labour board, UFCW also appealed directly to Alberta’s labour ministry to issue a stop- work order. The union said it wasn’t optimistic about getting a stop order before Monday morning, since it had only received a letter from the provincial government acknowledg­ing its request. A representa­tive of Labour and Immigratio­n Minister Jason Chopping on Sunday declined to answer questions about the situation.

“They’ve had the jurisdicti­on and the power and the ability to shut down playground­s and malls,” the UFCW’S Hughes said. “So we’re asking for them to use the same authority to ensure that meatpackin­g plants are safe as well.”

 ?? Darren Makowichuk / Postmedia news ?? A Cargill Meats plant near High River, Alta., is set to reopen on Monday if the company get its wishes.
Darren Makowichuk / Postmedia news A Cargill Meats plant near High River, Alta., is set to reopen on Monday if the company get its wishes.

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