National Post

As China cracks down, Canada sits on fence

Dangerous power plays


The Chinese navy garrisoned on Woody Island in the South China Sea revealed last week that it had managed to grow cabbages on sandy beaches using new “sand to earth” technology.

It means that the military forces on an island bristling with J11 fighter jets and H6 bombers will no longer rely on imported vegetables.

The discovery has implicatio­ns for other manmade military outposts in the disputed Spratly and Paracel islands.

China is pursuing what it calls a “cabbage strategy,” surroundin­g islands in the region with as many ships as possible, like leaves around a cabbage.

Now, the People’s Liberation Army is ready to grow real cabbages on those artificial islands.

While the rest of the world has been paralyzed by COVID- 19, a virus the Communist Party’s coverup helped to spread, China has been busy.

The draft decision to usurp Hong Kong’s freedom is merely the latest power play that takes advantage of the distractio­n caused by the pandemic.

Beijing has also increased its efforts to dominate the South China Sea, through which 30 per cent of the world’s shipping trade travels, by creating two new administra­tive districts to govern islands in the Spratly and Paracel chains that are also claimed by Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippine­s. The neighbourh­ood bully has made it known that any resistance will be crushed — a People’s Liberation Army ship aimed its gun control director at a Filipino anti-submarine corvette earlier this year.

The dismemberi­ng of Hong Kong’s Basic Law is hardly more subtle. On April 18, under cover of the coronaviru­s, 15 of the territory’s best known democracy campaigner­s were arrested, including Martin Lee, a former legislator. Beijing made it known it would no longer be bound by Article 22 of the Basic Law, which banned Chinese government interferen­ce in Hong Kong’s internal affairs. A “draft decision” currently before the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislativ­e body, says that Hong Kong must improve national security to ban “treason, secession, sedition and subversion.”

That implies China could have its own law enforcemen­t agency in the territory — a developmen­t that would strike the coup de grâce to the “one country, two systems” policy that has protected Hong Kong’s autonomy since the handover from Britain in 1997.

Xi Jinping, China’s president, has clearly decided to practise power with impunity. In another border dispute along the Line of Actual Control between India and China, patrols have faced off at four different locations in the past month. The two most populous countries on the planet have abided by a cold peace since fighting a war in 1962. It is a front that could turn hot again.

Xi seems confident that there will be words from his enemies but no actions.

The recent power grabs have alarmed the Japanese even more than usual. Japan’s coast guard has recorded a consistent­ly high number of Chinese ships in what it considers its territoria­l waters. Defence Minister Taro Kono has talked to his equivalent ministers in most Western government­s, including Canada’s, to maintain “a seamless defensive posture to uphold and reinforce the free and open Indo-pacific.”

The Trudeau government has been accused of being too conciliato­ry when it comes to China. When the prime minister was first elected, the Japanese worried he would tilt toward Beijing and it is fair to say Trudeau has gone to great lengths to avoid causing the Chinese offence.

Supporters point out the arbitrary detention of two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, has weighed on his stance.

The prospects for their release would not be enhanced by politicall­y motivated mud-slinging.

But Trudeau’s pacificati­on of the Chinese does not accord with his “unwavering commitment” to democratic principles.

It may not justify the charge of “appeasemen­t” levelled by Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer.

But it has taken far too long for the scales to fall from the prime minister’s eyes about the true nature of the autocratic regime in Beijing.

The blatant power grab over Hong Kong should finally convince Trudeau to get tougher — though historical­ly low levels of support for China among Canadians may be just as influentia­l.

The Liberal government has issued a rebuke of sorts.

In concert with the British and Australian­s, Canada sent out a statement on Friday that expressed concern at the new proposals. “Making such a law on Hong Kong’s behalf, without the direct participat­ion of its people, legislatur­e or judiciary could clearly undermine the ‘one country, two systems’ principle under which Hong Kong is guaranteed a high degree of autonomy,” it noted.

David Mulroney, Canada’s former ambassador in Beijing, said that Canada has to follow through with action, if the Chinese enforce the new law. That might take the form of asset freezes and travel bans against Chinese officials. “We need to come off the fence and support those who are trying to preserve the rights promised them,” he said.

It’s unlikely anything Canada might say or do will have much of an impact.

But Xi might pause for thought if a crackdown on democracy hurts the Chinese economy.

Hong Kong now accounts for just three per cent of Chinese GDP, down from close to 25 per cent in 1997. But it remains useful to China as a financial entrepôt for Western money. The territory’s stock market is the world’s fourth- largest and the majority of capital raised on it is for Chinese firms.

The territory has separate legal and economic status but that could be revoked by the U.S. were Xi to introduce mainland security forces to back up the Hong Kong police.

However, this is not a regime that can be brought around easily.

Trudeau sounded as if he still believes mollificat­ion is the way to go when he said on Monday that “it will be important for the Chinese government to engage in constructi­ve conversati­ons with the citizens of Hong Kong.”

Does he really imagine the Communist Party is willing to engage in constructi­ve conversati­ons with anyone these days?

Just after he was elected in 2015, I spent some time in Japan talking to leading academics and political strategist­s about China. Tomohiko Taniguchi, a special adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, said he believed conflict was inevitable in all areas — cyber, economic and military.

Kunihiko Miyake, research director at the Canon Institute for Global Studies, said China was making the same mistake Japan itself made 80 years previous — “ugly nationalis­m, supported by a majority of people and taken advantage of by a military that has no civilian supervisio­n, in an effort to change the status quo in the western Pacific by force.”

At the time, I felt they were overstatin­g the threat. I don’t think that now.

 ?? ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Pro- democracy protesters are arrested by police in the Causeway Bay district of Hong Kong on the weekend.
ISAAC LAWRENCE / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Pro- democracy protesters are arrested by police in the Causeway Bay district of Hong Kong on the weekend.

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