National Post




When Julie Hatch Fairley’s mother died in 1998, the Fort Worth, Texas, resident struggled.

“I felt so empty because nothing really stopped the sadness in my soul,” she said. Her grief counsellor gave her a prescripti­on “to revisit something that gave me joy for an hour a day.”

Fairley picked up a ball of yarn and began to knit her way through her grief. “I started to become content and learned to be with myself and not freak out,” she said.

The former publicist opened a mobile yarn store, Jujuknits, in April 2019 in a pink- and- white vintage Roadmaster trailer, followed by a bricks-and-mortar store in October. The recent pandemic-related lockdown has made her pivot to virtual sales, and she says that the demand for her beginner kits has been high. “I believe in the healing power of yarn,” she said.

Picking up an old craft or delving into a new one is a positive way to get through the coronaviru­s pandemic, according to mental health experts. “You might try knitting or something new; individual­s should find what grabs them — that’s so important for creativity,” said clinical psychologi­st Mark Runco, who is director of creativity research and programmin­g at Southern Oregon University.


Craig Sawchuk, co- chair of the Division of Integrated Behavioral Health at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., says there is science to back up Fairley’s belief that crafting has healing properties.

A 2013 study published by the British Journal of Occupation­al Therapy found that knitting confers the well- being of those who engage in the hobby. The responses from 3,545 knitters worldwide showed a significan­t relationsh­ip between knitting frequency and feelings of calm and happiness. An earlier review of studies published in 2010 in the American Journal of Public Health examined the connection — primarily in adults — between art- based interventi­ons and healing, including crochet and other crafts; it also saw the potential for art to promote healing.

The brain “is a very adaptive organ with survival mechanisms,” Sawchuk said. “It’s hardwired to pay attention to threats, and its fear response can be activated by triggers such as negative news.”

Crafting can calm us because it shifts our attention away from such triggers, he said. It also gives people a sense of productivi­ty and is “an excellent way to break up the monotony of the day,” he added.

Research is now turning to how specific crafts can contribute to well- being. In 2018, two psychologi­sts from Oxford University started The Yarnfulnes­s Project to examine the connection between crafting and joy, specifical­ly focused on yarnbased activities.

Emma Palmer- Cooper, a co- investigat­or in the project, and her colleague, Anne Ferrey, are focused on studying the positive effects of crafting during working hours, and the effects on those who are furloughed because of the pandemic.


Many businesses, including Yarnspirat­ions. com and Michaels, have seen an uptick in interest since the pandemic started. Yarnspirat­ions notes that its “Llama No Drama” and “Bernat Fat Cat” crochet stuffies have been very popular with customers; Michaels has seen a 150 per cent increase in viewers of Facebook live tutorials with Lynn Lilly, founder of Craft Box Girls, and has also ramped up its how- to videos and step- bystep project instructio­ns based on demand. It recently launched free online classes that include such topics as coaster- making and painting.

Emily Brown, an associate director at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, said she turned to knitting at the start of the pandemic even though she doesn’t consider herself a craft person. “I needed something to cleanse my mind; knitting calmed me because it is a repetitive activity, and very soothing,” she said.

Rebecca Reinbold, whose family lives in the U. S. Virgin Islands, said that she was surprised to find her six- year- old son, Hunter, sit still for over an hour to knit recently. “His Montessori school encouraged finger knitting, and he was so excited when yarn and knitting needles showed up,” she said, adding that the activity may have made him feel connected to school even when he wasn’t there.

Ingrid Fetell Lee, who wrote Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordin­ary Happiness, agrees that crafting can help us maintain a connection to the outer world. “We’ve lost a lot of the sensory input that we normally get when we are out in the world, so when you knit and paint and do those tangible things, you have the joy of textures like the colours of wool, and you get to replace some of these sensory stimuli,” she said.


With so many possibilit­ies, how do you know where to begin?

Patrick Fratellone, a cardiologi­st, recommends various crafts for all types of personalit­ies. If you want a craft for dexterity, Fratellone advises to start with something yarn- based, or with thread. “If you’re a rugged type of person, build bird houses, or something for the environmen­t,” he said. “I make candles because I also raise bees, and I have a lot of wax.”

There are many free online classes on topics that include cloth dyeing, building a bird house and making jewelry. The bottom line is that you want to create something concrete, yet something that warms the heart and creates a bit of joy.

If you’ve never been a crafter, here’s what experts suggest:

❚ Try yarn- based crafts. These are often a good starting point because many people have fond memories of loved ones knitting or crocheting.

❚ Practise, practise, practise. Try to engage in your craft consistent­ly or have a sense of routine; set aside time each day — as little as five or 10 minutes. Sawchuk noted that crafting is a great winding- down activity, perhaps an hour or so before bed.

❚ Don’t just play around. Making something concrete confers a sense of accomplish­ment. “Working with one’s hands and creating something really does something for your self- esteem,” said Fratellone.

❚ Share your craft. Making items for your friends and surroundin­g community can lessen feelings of isolation.

❚ Be patient. “When there’s a burden of stress, you’re already in a deficit if that stress is high, and it may take you some time to see the psychologi­cal benefits,” Sawchuk said.

❚ Don’t expect perfection. “I try to get people away from perfection­ism because that’s an addiction in and of itself,” Fratellone said.

❚ Find an online community. A recently published study found that individual­s who felt depressed or anxious were more likely to engage in artistic pursuits, including crafts, if they had more social opportunit­ies to learn and share their craft.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? The act of knitting can give you a sense of calm and happiness, a 2013 study published by the British Journal of Occupation­al Therapy found.
GETTY IMAGES / ISTOCKPHOT­O The act of knitting can give you a sense of calm and happiness, a 2013 study published by the British Journal of Occupation­al Therapy found.
 ??  ?? Whether you choose to paint, knit, tie- dye or work with wood during the pandemic,
aim to create something concrete that warms the heart and creates a bit of joy.
Whether you choose to paint, knit, tie- dye or work with wood during the pandemic, aim to create something concrete that warms the heart and creates a bit of joy.

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