National Post



Samuel Pepys ( 1633-1703) was the naval administra­tor and first secretary of the British Admiralty. Here’s what he wrote on this day in 1668.

1st. Up and with Sir J. Minnes to Westminste­r, and in the Hall there I met with Harris and Rolt, and carried them to the Rhenish wine- house, where I have not been in a morning—nor any tavern, I think, these seven years and more. Here I did get the words of a song of Harris that I wanted. Here also Mr. Young and Whistler by chance met us, and drank with us. Thence home, and to prepare business against the afternoon, and did walk an hour in the garden with Sir W. Warren, who do tell me of the great difficulty he is under in the business of his accounts with the Commission­ers of Parliament, and I fear some inconvenie­nces and troubles may be occasioned thereby to me. So to dinner, and then with Sir J. Minnes to White Hall, and there attended the Lords of the Treasury and also a committee of Council with the Duke of York about the charge of this year’s fleete, and thence I to Westminste­r and to Mrs. Martin’s, and did hazer what je would con her, and did once toker la thigh de su landlady, and thence all alone to Fox Hall, and walked and saw young Newport, and two more rogues of the town, seize on two ladies, who walked with them an hour with their masks on.

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