National Post



•Kensington Palace has reportedly sent a legal complaint to Tatler magazine over its claims that Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, feels “overworked.”

The duchess and husband Prince William, are understood to have asked that the society magazine remove its “Catherine the Great” profile from its website.

The royal couple are reportedly upset about what they say is unfounded criticism of Kate’s family, her children and her weight.

The Tatler article described the duchess as “perilously thin” and referred to Princess Diana’s eating disorders.

The society magazine claimed to have spoken to various friends of Kate for the profile, with a source reportedly claiming the princess feels “exhausted and trapped” after taking on more royal duties following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s decision to step back.

Kensington Palace has denied this account.

“Meghan and Harry have been so selfish,” one source told Tatler. “William and Catherine really wanted to be hands- on parents and the Sussexes have effectivel­y thrown their three children under a bus.

“There goes their morning school runs as the responsibi­lities on them now are enormous.”

Another source allegedly added: “Kate is furious about the larger workload. Of course she’s smiling and dressing appropriat­ely but she doesn’t want this. She feels exhausted and trapped.

“She’s working as hard as a top CEO, who has to be wheeled out all the time, without the benefits of boundaries and plenty of holidays.”

Last week a source familiar with Kate’s work emphatical­ly denied to The Telegraph that she feels “exhausted and trapped” by her duties, saying the descriptio­n was inaccurate and offensive.

They added: “Like many people across the country, the duchess is juggling home- schooling and work. But she’s not also having to juggle being a front- line worker. She is of course cognizant of that. That’s who she would much prefer the attention to be on.”

A royal source told The Mail on Sunday that the descriptio­n of Kate as “perilously thin” is “such an extremely cruel and wounding barb. It’s disgusting. It’s sexist and woman- shaming at its very worst.

Tatler ’ s article also claimed that Kate had an argument with Markle ahead of her wedding to Harry in 2018. It claimed the row took place at a rehearsal before the wedding “over whether the bridesmaid­s should wear tights or not.”

Tatler did not respond to a request for comment on the legal complaint, and Kensington Palace declined to comment.

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