National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Imperfecti­on

5. Be airborne

8. Slender-waisted insect

12. Easter flower

13. Oatmeal boiled in water

15. Long walk in the country

16. Upper limbs

17. Cardiologi­st’s concern

18. Touch up articles

19. Mythical reptile with a lethal breath and look

21. Mark used in proofreadi­ng

23. Unit of power

24. Get rid of an illness

25. Perhaps

27. On time

31. Clothing size for tall people

32. Indian side dish

34. Aware of

35. Invite

36. Travel on snow

37. Bit socket in a brace

38. Brown seaweed

40. Alloy of iron and carbon

42. Kind of dancing

43. Cosmetic in a pencil

45. Without anyone else

47. Muslim ruler

48. Card game similar to poker

49. Acclimatiz­e yourself

51. Humanitari­an organizati­on

55. Coagulate

56. Onion relative

58. Bread spread

59. Soft mud

60. What helicopter­s can do

61. Undependab­le person

62. Legal document

63. Fish like a snake

64. Traditiona­l knowledge


1. Dieter’s target

2. Monetary unit of Turkey

3. Gifts to the poor

4. Word processing acronym, of old

5. Winter window covering

6. Wait in hiding to attack

7. Up to the present time

8. Cabbie’s query

9. Helper

10. Bit of comedy

11. Special loved one

13. Leather leg covering

14. Blank space

20. Research room

22. Curved shape

24. Adorable one

25. Amble along

26. Bracelet site

27. One who is careful with money

28. Take a broach off

29. Make amends for

30. Ore deposit

31. Body of water surrounded by land

33. Fall-blooming flower

39. Like kilts

40. Jailhouse fink

41. Room where food is stored

42. Birl

44. Little devil

46. Varnish ingredient

48. Carpenter’s tool

49. Lotion additive

50. Nod off

51. Tear to pieces

52. Miscellane­ous mixture

53. Make very hot and dry

54. Hurting

55. Atlantic food fish

57. Break ground

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