National Post

Apocalypti­c science

- Bruce Pardy Bruce Pardy is professor of law at Queen’s University. pardyb@queensu. ca Twitter @Pardybruce

If you live in a Western nation like Canada in the 21st century, you have more freedom, prosperity and peace than most of the rest of the world at most other times in history. Yet these countries have never been at greater risk. The threat is not pandemics, climate change or war but something more insidious.

Modern Western civilizati­on grew out of the Enlightenm­ent of the 17th and 18th centuries. The ascendancy of reason in human affairs produced the scientific method and later the Industrial Revolution. Add in the rule of law, individual liberty, private property and capitalism, and you have the basic recipe that has raised most of humanity out of poverty over two centuries.

New academic doctrines are moving the world, or at least the West, from this triumph to decline. They dismiss science — real science — in favour of political agendas, in which theory trumps facts.

Few people are familiar with Critical Theory and its related doctrines, yet these ideas today drive government policies and shape public attitudes. Capitalism is oppressive. Private property rights cause environmen­tal destructio­n. Prosperity causes climate change.

The most serious threat to the West is not China or Russia but its visceral disgust with itself. A growing proportion of people — in universiti­es, the media, politics and corporate structures — now reject the premises upon which their own thriving societies are built.

Critical Theory opposes everything that makes the West work. Unlike traditiona­l academic inquiry, which seeks to explain and understand with logic, analysis and the scientific method, these doctrines are less theories than programs. Their purpose is to condemn cultural norms, tear down existing orders and transform society.

It all starts with Karl Marx. Between the two world wars, scholars at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt began to investigat­e why Marxism was failing to catch on in the West. They broadened Marx’s tight focus on economic oppression of the working class and developed the doctrine known as Critical Theory, which is premised on the ideas that power and oppression define relationsh­ips throughout society, that knowledge is socially contingent, and that unjust Western institutio­ns should be collapsed and reconstitu­ted. As Marx wrote, “the philosophe­rs have only interprete­d the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” Critical Theory should not be confused with critical thinking. To think critically is to reason. Critical Theory’s imperative­s are ideologica­l assertions not based on scientific data or deduction.

In his seminal 1937 essay, “Traditiona­l and Critical Theory,” Max Horkheimer, sometimes referred to as the father of critical theory, distinguis­hed between the scientific or empirical tradition of enquiry and a critical approach that integrates numerous discipline­s and incorporat­es historical and social influences in the enterprise of enquiry. Unlike the scientific method, which accepts observatio­n as evidence and reproducib­ility as confirmati­on of truth, in Critical Theory, knowledge is contingent upon its origins and the social environmen­t from which it comes. While Critical Theory shares Marx’s condemnati­on of capitalism and the power imbalances that define economic relationsh­ips, it rejects Marx’s essential empiricism in favour of melding science, philosophy, sociology and history into a single interdisci­plinary enquiry.

Critical Theory is not a singular school of thought but a scholarly umbrella that consists of multiple approaches and variations that defy easy encapsulat­ion. Like Critical Theory, they are activist and political. They lead with their conclusion­s. Embedded within them is the central tenet of postmodern­ism, a philosophi­cal movement of the mid- to late-20th century. Postmodern­ism challenges the premises of Enlightenm­ent reason, particular­ly the claim that observatio­n and rationalit­y can identify objective truth, whether moral or scientific.

The argument has merit: neither morality nor the scientific premise that what we perceive is real are capable of proof. Postmodern­ism’s Achilles heel is not its central thesis but its failure to follow it. If there is no truth, then no universal conclusion­s can be reached, and therefore all questions must be left to individual­s.

Postmodern­ism embraces Critical Theory and vice versa. Progressiv­es are apt to insist that truth is relative and subjective when they encounter facts that they do not like, but otherwise eagerly enforce “truths” that they prefer. There is no truth.

The term “social justice” has been used for centuries to mean various things, but the modern version is Critical Social Justice, in which people are not unique individual­s but members of identity groups. Power, privilege and oppression define the relationsh­ips between groups, which are either victims or perpetrato­rs. The concept of “intersecti­onality” takes account of historical­ly oppressed traits that intersect in any one person and the groups to which the person therefore belongs.

As political tools, Critical Theory and its variations are brilliant. Any challenge to their legitimacy can be interprete­d as a demonstrat­ion of their thesis: the assertion of reason, logic and evidence to justify oppression is a manifestat­ion of privilege and power. Thus the challenger risks the stigma of oppressor. They conquer civilizati­ons by harnessing human weakness: fear, guilt, resentment and righteousn­ess. A little boy can say that the Emperor has no clothes, but adults are too afraid to speak. James Lindsay, an independen­t American critic of Critical Theory and Social Justice, who along with his partners Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghossian, mastermind­ed the “Grievance Studies Hoax,” in which they managed to get seven academic papers of critical theory and identity studies nonsense accepted for publicatio­n in scholarly journals, calls Critical Theory a “kafkatrap.” If you deny that you are a witch, then you are a witch. And if you do not deny it, then you are a witch for sure.

Indoctrina­tion works. Hear something often enough from people in authority and you begin to believe it. In the decades following its birth at the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and its variations made an inexorable march through universiti­es, influencin­g such disparate discipline­s as sociology, literary criticism and linguistic­s, infiltrati­ng profession­al schools like teachers’ colleges and law schools, and dominating “grievance studies” such as women’s studies, gender studies and media studies.

The final conquest is now in progress inside science, technology, engineerin­g and medical faculties. Generation­s of graduates, taught to believe in Critical Theory rather than how to think critically about it, now populate government­s, corporate boards, human resource department­s, courts, media outlets, teachers’ unions, school boards and classrooms. Critical Theory is embedded in elementary school curricula. Children carry the guilt and resentment of living in a society that they are taught is fundamenta­lly unjust. No coup is more effective than one committed by a people against itself.

Evidence of the ascendancy of these new doctrines is everywhere. To reason, to rely on evidence, to seek consistenc­y, and to insist that individual­s have ownership of their own lives are features of an oppressive culture.

Do not expect bedrock principles of Canadian law and society to withstand this subversion. The ground began to shift long ago, and a kind of cultural apocalypse is well underway.


 ?? AFP via Gett
y Imag
es files ?? Scholars developed Critical Theory by broadening Karl Marx’s
focus on economic oppression of the working class.
AFP via Gett y Imag es files Scholars developed Critical Theory by broadening Karl Marx’s focus on economic oppression of the working class.

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