National Post



Iran has dramatical­ly under- reported the extent of its coronaviru­s epidemic, according to leaked government figures that show almost three times as many COVID-19 deaths than Tehran has acknowledg­ed.

The data suggests the government recorded 42,000 deaths from coronaviru­s-like symptoms up until July 20, whereas the health ministry reported 14,405 deaths.

That data also showed 451,024 cases, a figure nearly double the 278,827 officially reported in that time.

The documents were obtained by BBC Persian and published Monday as the health ministry reported that Iran faces a resurgence.

Even if going by the government’s published figures, Iran is the worst affected country in the Middle East.

Sima Sadat Lari, a health ministry spokesman quoted in the Tehran Times, rejected the BBC report claiming foreign media were relying on anonymous sources and unscientif­ic methodolog­y for political purposes.

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